What are they teaching lawyers and judges regarding guardianship?

From: National Guardianship Association <info@guardianship.org> Date: Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 2:48 PM Subject: Presenting the complete details for NGA’s 2024 conference! We are thrilled to present the agenda for NGA’s 2024 National Conference on Guardianship, being held October 19 – 22 in Long Beach, California! Complete details are available in the conference brochure. As you’ve come to expect from NGA, this year’s program features outstanding presentations that will appeal to professional and family guardians, public and private guardians, and participants at every level of experience. Online registration will open next week, and we will send an announcement when it opens. In the meantime, review the educational sessions, reserve your hotel room, and mark your calendar to join us in Long Beach! Quick Links Download Conference Brochure Sponsor and Exhibitor Info Scholarships (Application deadline is Friday) Auction Info and Donation Form Hotel Website Hotel Reservations Conference Website (coming soon) Online Registration (coming soon) View the Brochure Copyright © 2024 National Guardianship Association, All rights reserved. You have been included in this message because of your interest in the National Guardianship Association. Our mailing address is: National Guardianship Association 174 Crestview Drive Bellefonte, PA… Read More