ISRAEL 101, What happened and the truth about Israel

Everything you wanted to know about Israel but was afraid to ask or threatened

Israel 101 If you’re only getting your Gaza and info from Israel, you’re being lied to because everyone know the Israeli Army is censoring and controlling the narrative. Israel is therefore baseless and blatant lying to the Israel public in hopes of using the people to finish the genocide that has been planned and in progress for decades. Almost everything you’ve been told about Hamas from Israel is a lie. The first thing you need to ask yourself is “how did Israel come in to possession of all of it’s land when it was already occupied by the Palestinians for over a century” while Israel has no history prior to 1948. Israels game is to paint the victim “the Palestinians” as terrorists, when 2-3 of Israels Prime ministers were in fact Terrorists themselves. Israelis don’t want to accept that Israel has been the one that is raping hostages, sodomizing them, starving them, torturing and beating them, with many being murdered. As well, Israel has randomly been launching the missiles, bombing, blowing up, assassinating Palestinians by the thousands for decades. Palestinians have been occupied by Israel and has a right to… Read More


The problem with Israel is its history of lies, starting wars and assassinations to create a false narrative to steal land and play victim

How we conveniently ignore the ‘terrorists’ among our allies Before they were prime minister, two Israelis were leaders of violent political movements that killed innocent people. The term “terrorist” often gets used as a general-purpose epithet intended to consign a disliked state or group to perpetual isolation and punishment. Used in this way, the label of “terrorist” becomes a substitute for careful analysis of policy toward the state or group in question. Usually, the object of the labeling has indeed used terrorism — but so have many others who don’t get labeled the same way and may even be treated as friends and allies. If the operative notion is “once a terrorist, always a terrorist,” then there are many shady histories that warrant examination. Consider, for example, as Benjamin Netanyahu — who has flung the “terrorist” label at least as freely as anyone else — is finally being pushed out of the prime minister’s job in Israel, the histories of some of his predecessors. Menachem Begin, who held that job in the late 1970s and early 1980s — longer than anyone except Netanyahu, David Ben-Gurion, and Yitzhak Rabin — had… Read More


LOXISM and what is it? Who controls our courtrooms, US congress, Senate and US government agencies? What if it was just 2% of the world? LOXISM Etymology From lox +‎ -ism, presumably on the basis that lox is a food associated with Jewish people and by analogy with terms such as racism, but the specific reasoning for the coinage is otherwise uncertain. First attested in 2005. Noun loxism (uncountable) (neo-Nazism) Hatred of (non-Jewish) white people by Jews. Related terms loxist See also antiwhite Be sure to do your own research about this word and the Talmud, it’s written in their religion how non-Jews are to be treated, and that Non-Jews are compared to animals. Yet they want to abuse Antisemitism guilt as if they are the victims. This was not about being Antisemitic rather, the fact non-Jews may be taken advantage by others. SEE THE TALMUD Read More

Federal Prosecutors Attacked Me for My Reporting — and They’re Doing It to Hide Info From the Public

If the Biden administration is serious about protecting press freedoms, officials from Washington might want to have a stern talk with federal prosecutors in Detroit. Trevor Aaronson June 20 2024, 11:22 a.m. This is a story about a story — one that I haven’t finished reporting. Federal prosecutors are so consumed by my efforts to report on a terrorism court case that they accused me in a recent filing of having “improper motives.” They said that, by doing routine reporting, I was somehow colluding with a terrorism defendant to “taint the jury pool and undermine the fairness of the trial.” These dangerous claims are the subject of an evidentiary hearing in U.S. District Court in Detroit on Thursday. My reporting so far suggests potential constitutional violations. The attack by the Justice Department should be seen for what it is: a breathtaking assault against journalism by the Biden administration. Although President Joe Biden boasts that his administration defends press freedoms around the world, his Justice Department’s public claims are an egregious attack against me filled with baseless assumptions and statements taken wildly out of context. Prosecutors appear to have subjected me… Read More

What are they teaching lawyers and judges regarding guardianship?

From: National Guardianship Association <> Date: Wed, Jun 5, 2024 at 2:48 PM Subject: Presenting the complete details for NGA’s 2024 conference! We are thrilled to present the agenda for NGA’s 2024 National Conference on Guardianship, being held October 19 – 22 in Long Beach, California! Complete details are available in the conference brochure. As you’ve come to expect from NGA, this year’s program features outstanding presentations that will appeal to professional and family guardians, public and private guardians, and participants at every level of experience. Online registration will open next week, and we will send an announcement when it opens. In the meantime, review the educational sessions, reserve your hotel room, and mark your calendar to join us in Long Beach! Quick Links Download Conference Brochure Sponsor and Exhibitor Info Scholarships (Application deadline is Friday) Auction Info and Donation Form Hotel Website Hotel Reservations Conference Website (coming soon) Online Registration (coming soon) View the Brochure Copyright © 2024 National Guardianship Association, All rights reserved. You have been included in this message because of your interest in the National Guardianship Association. Our mailing address is: National Guardianship Association 174 Crestview Drive Bellefonte, PA… Read More

Israel’s Unfolding Crime of Genocide of the Palestinian People & U.S. Failure to Prevent and Complicity in Genocide

IDF killed the majority of people Ocotober 7th

October 7th 2023 Exposed Israel for what it has been hiding for 75 years. This was never about antisemitism, rather about people who feel entitled and above other humans. Foreign Jews from all over the world have been flocking to Palestine to steal land. The woman in the video proves beyond a doubt the motives and ignorance where invaders (the Jews) come to steal the native people’s land. They illegally occupy the Palestinians, label them as Terrorists or militants for defending themselves and taking action against criminals who invaded their country by creating hate and aggression. Israel is famous for starting wars against Arab countries who did nothing wrong, with the goal of using US military might and backing to destroy anyone who is in Israel’s way of stealing land.   BEFORE YOU JUDGE WHAT IS WRITTEN, TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION WHAT THE FACTS REALLY ARE REGARDING OCTOBER 7TH 2023. Video from the Apache gunships ruthlessly killing unarmed Israelis as the flee NEWS STORIES Israeli Apache helicopters killed own soldiers, civilians on 7 October: Report   Israeli general killed Israelis on 7 October then lied about it, with Ali Abunimah The… Read More