Any Person Subject To…

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    • #24798
      Avatar photoBob

        So just who is “Any person” and what EXACTLY is it that makes them subject to? In other words, what is the basic premise that is being operated off of, in that case? If we cannot be told with 100% precision what we need to know here, then we are being forced to endure some kind of fraud. Who really knows if they are actually subject to a law, ordinance, statute or regulation, if it is not clearly spelled out for all to see? Or are we all just supposed to “go along to get along” with a charade that steals our wealth from us? How about the theft of our labor, time or life itself? Why is it that no one is forced to go into a casino anywhere in the world and gamble their money away, but yet we can be forced to go into the legal system and be forced to gamble with something even more precious to us than that, our very life?

        Why and how does anyone have the power and authority to commit a fraud upon us by making us participate in a scam? Since there is no guaranteed outcome to any trial, be it by jury or judge, it must then be a gamble, right? Why don’t we just flip a coin up in the air, where we have at least a 50/50 chance of being found guilty or innocent of any charges? With the gamble of the legal system, there’s absolutely NO telling of what our odds of winning or losing might be at any time. If there is some way to calculate those odds, then what is it? Who came up with it? How is it fair to all who participate in it? Or do we have to surrender to the State and be completely subservient to it at all times?

        What is meant by the legal system’s word of art “person” in each case? Is it the exact same meaning in each case, or is it a matter of using different meanings in each case? We need to know these things in order to get at the truth of the matter. If by “person” is meant a man or a woman, or hermaphrodite, then why doesn’t the law, statute, ordinance or regulation just say so? How much verbiage is saved by using the word of art “person”, as opposed to the creation of confusion? Or is there some other reason for its use, perhaps a nefarious one? When we say “pink elephant”, are we meaning a certain kind or breed of elephant, or maybe one that has been painted pink, or maybe even one that is owned by somebody named Pink? Who can tell for sure without it being explained to us in terms that we can easily understand?

        Fraud. It’s not just the kind of things we see with scum the likes of Bernie Madoff and Ben Bernanke or any other swindlers and con men, any time that some form of deception is being used to rob another of something of value, that is fraud. Look it up in a law dictionary to see it for yourself. But the entire legal system is based upon, founded upon fraud, and therein lies the solution to the problem of the corrupt legal system. It is the biggest and most well-kept secret of all time, and it has been sitting right out in front for everyone to see all along, but no one bothered to look at it. Except those in the legal system, that is. But they turn a blind eye to it because it is the source of their pay. They dare not question anything about the legal system at all because to do so might open them up to some very serious questions. Like, why didn’t they say something earlier, like when they were benefiting from it? Doesn’t that then make them an accessory to crimes? Surely it does. This is why no lawyer who gets caught breaking the “law” will ever use the ultimate escape clause. They know full well what the consequences of their action will be, exposing the scam of the legal system, even though they may not have envisioned the consequences of getting caught while committing a crime against others. It’s one thing to steal from another slave on the plantation, but stealing from the master, well that is quite another, and could bring death to one.

        Now this may seem to be quite incredible, far-fetched and even crazy to some, but all that one has to do is look at the facts with no prejudice or bias of any kind. Unfortunately, very few are willing to do that because it might lead them to doing the same thing in areas of their life where they dare not tread. So they keep the blinders on and their mouth shut. Something about people living in glass houses….
        And there are many, many more examples of legal system words of art that are specially designed to confuse people and cheat them out of what is rightfully theirs. Like “residence”, “income”, “trade or business”, “includes”, “in this state”, etc ad nauseam. But regardless of what deceptive words are conjured up and used against us, the undercut is always the same, it is The Three Magic Questions. What is the EXACT AMOUNT of fraud that ANYBODY has the right to commit? What is the EXACT AMOUNT of fraud that ANYBODY has an actual obligation to endure? What is the BASIC PREMISE that is being operated off of in the instant case? Those three simple little questions lay bare the scam known as the legal system. No lawyer will ever dare to give any kind of hint as to their truth and power. They might as well just shut the doors and try to find some honest work somewhere if they do so.

        And of course we cannot forget the void for vagueness doctrine, which gets very little of its due for the exact same reason; destruction of the scam we call the legal system. Every time there is a word that is used which is open to interpretation, such as substantial or minimal, then of course it is a gamble as to what is really meant, and so therefore the void of vagueness doctrine MUST be applied. If it is not, then by what power and authority is it ignored?

        If the so-called judges are allowed to pontificate about what constitutes fraud or vagueness without an absolute tried and true standard to go by each time, then this is just further proof that the legal system is run on caprice and whims for its own unjust enrichment. Where is that standard to be found? What does it look like so that we will know it when we see it? Where did it come from? Who created it? Does it actually exist or not?

        So now that we know where the major chinks in the armor of the legal system are, we need to get as many people as possible educated too, and then we can have real justice in the world once more.

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