Elaine Mickman author of Court Gate “Divorced from the Law”

  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Avatar photoBob.
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    • #1009
      Avatar photoBob

        After 8 1/2 yrs. of litigation, the Court never divided the marital assets and only divided Elaine’s family. All appeals, including those from orders that proved fraud, were denied. The Court exploited Elaine and her family, and stripped Elaine of everything she had and left her destitute to perish as well as near homeless with minor children. The court then ordered-away her Constitutional Rights to silence Elaine and censor her case, and cover-up the indisputable scandal of which bureaucrats and officials used her case to defraud the Federal Government in violation of Federal Regulations, Codes, the Title IV-D Contract, the Constitution, the Supremacy Clause, and a litany of Pennsylvania and US Criminal Statutes. The court essentially ERASED Elaine and her case.

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