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      To:   Federal Bureau of Investigation

      From:  Deborah A. Bujdos



      RE:    COMPLAINT   RE:










      DEFENDANTS: Defendants:  Are All from Westmoreland County,  PA,   Court  of  Common Pleas


      a.    Judge Harry Smail/  crimes listed separately in private criminal complaints


      b.    Judge Christian Scherer/  crimes listed separately in private criminal complaints


      c.     President Judge  Richard Mc Cormick /  crimes listed separately in private criminal complaints


      d.     Master Eric Bononi  / crimes listed separately in private criminal complaints


      e.     Master Henry Moore      see  private criminal complaint filed against Master henry Moore / intimidating  the wife and threatening  her  to move from her home  before her discovery was done on May 5, 2015

      f.      Attorney Linda Whalen/  husbands attorney /   crimes listed separately in private criminal complaints

      g.     Attorney Heidi De Bernardo- Norton/  wife’s attorney   crimes listed separately

      h.     Attorney Travis Dunn  /  wife’s attorney  /  crimes listed Separately

      I.     Attorney Terrance O Halloran,  Director of  Domestic relations  refused wife an increase in APL  to  have her on a par with the husband  for a fair divorce.   He  too ignored the  husbands spousal support fraud and refused to collect the  $300,000.00 owed to t he wife in  back support.

      I        Mr.  Laurence Bujdos   crimes listed separately in private criminal complaints


      j.       husbands  financial advisor  Scott Shoup     breach of fiduciary Duty  and assisting  with  hiding  assets.

      k.      husbands CPA  Mr. Roy Reick      Perjury  and assisting in hiding  assets


      The Plaintiff is  a public corruption victim  and  is   suing THE  Corrupt Defendants .  in their   private individual capacity  and official capacities .

      The Defendants  criminal and unlawful acts   are on record and  were outside any immunity and official  capacity.



      4. Defendant Judge Smail  made a  mockery  of the proceedings by, e.g., illegally“punishing” the Plaintiff ,  a corruption victim

      and fraudulently pretending  he had  authority under Federal  .R.Civ.P.11 TO HEAR  pleadings, which the defendant  had  FALSELY FILED WITH FALSE   REPRESENTATIONS TO THE COURT, EX PARTE  IN A  STATE  COURT.

      Judge Smail and Judge Scherer both allowed  Defendant  Attorney Whalen to present false ex parte  pleadings to the court  and falsely swearing and signing  that the pleadings

      (1) were  not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass, cause

      unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost of litigation;

      (2)  falsely states   the claims,  defenses, and other legal contentions in the pleadings are warranted by existing law or   by a nonfrivolous argument for extending, modifying, or reversing existing law.

      (3) Attorney Whalen  falsely  states her factual contentions in the pleadings  have evidentiary support when  they did not and  was proven in wife’ s  counter claims.

      (4) Any  denials of factual contentions are  not warranted due to the lack of suffcient evidence supporting Attorney Whalen’s claims,   specifically  so identified, by wife that prove  Attorney Whalen’s claims are false and  based on  false information.


      (1) Both Judges  failed to consider :  In General. If, after notice and a reasonable opportunity to

      respond,  if  the court  determines that Rule 11(b) has been violated, the court may,  but did not   impose any appropriate  sanction on  Attorney,  Whalen or her  law firm,  and her client  violated the rule or is responsible for the violation.

      Both judges failed to consider Absent exceptional circumstances,  a law firm must be held jointly responsible   for a violation committed by its partner, associate, or employee,

      (2)  On the Court’s Initiative. On its own, the court may order an attorney, law firm, or

      party to show cause why conduct specifically described in the order has not violated

      Rule 11(b).

      (4) Nature of a Sanction. A sanction  should have  been imposed  and under this rule it must be

      limited to what   suffices to deter repetition of the conduct or comparable conduct by others

      similarly   situated.

      The sanction should have  included,  an order to pay a penalty  into court; or,

      if imposed on motion and warranted for effective deterrence, an order

      directing payment to the movant of part or all of the reasonable attorney’s fees and

      other expenses directly resulting from the violation and  against a represented party for violating Rule 11(b)(2

      (6) Requirements for an Order. An order imposing a sanction must describe the

      sanctioned conduct and explain the basis for the sanction.

      Rule 11 has been amended consistent with the 2007 stylistic changes to Federal

      Rule of Civil Procedure 11. Two provisions that are unique to the Superior Court rule

      are retained, including language related to the court’s eFiling program and a provision

      explicitly prohibiting use of a rubber stamp.


      This rule is identical to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11. This Rule also makes

      clear that a signature affixed by a rubber stamp is not sufficient. As seen on  many orders in this case.

      Notice pleading, by contrast, simply requires a “short and plain statement” showing only that the pleader is entitled to relief. (FRCP 8(a)(2)).

      One important exception to this rule is that, when a party alleges fraud, it must plead COMMENT 🙁  THE JUDGES  IGNORED WIFES  ALEGATIONS  OF FRAUD,  DENYING HER THE RIGHT  TO PRESENT )   the facts of the alleged fraud with particularity. (FRCP 9(b) relates  to Negligent Misrepresentation as a  Deprivation of Plaintiffs’ Procedural Due Process  Rights


      Just like a bungling Government Whore, Defendant Judge Smail AND Judge Scherer perverted  the law and rules and recklessly  to assist Attorney Whalen and her clients scheme to defraud the wife of 25 million in marital assets.

      Misapplied  and  Misused  the  powers of  contempt against the wife   for  unlawful purposes of, e.g.,

      Coercing  the Plaintiffs to  relinquish  her rights to  her  marital property  and force wife to be homeless with  the threat  of  police escorting her out.,  by  using the incorrect caselaw to evict  her   and made  false disparaging comments against the wife   to evict her from the home as another  tool  to assist  the husbands attorney   to force wife to settle for a lesser amount in the distribution than she is entitled to.    Both  Judges, the  2 masters and attorneys  have committed  Governmental crimes and extorted    Plaintiffs’ property ,  before  hearing her motions to vacate the final order due to  procuring it   with fraud  and under color of a  non-existent “regulation”, that was   used to defraud the wife of $2.5 million.

      Defendants deliberately deprived  the Plaintiff , a victim of their corruption of her  express  fundamental rights  under the Pennsylvania  and Federal Constitutions.

      All  Defendant’s perverted, conspired  and colluded with opposing counsel ,   her client  and other Officials to pervert the  Plaiintiffs express fundamental rights to be free of Government corruption, oppression, fraudulent seizure of property, to own property,  and  her deny her rights  to  exclude Government, redress  Government grievances, and  prevented her  from   defending  against  public corruption  and proven  Government crimes committed in this  case.

      All named defendants  are involved  in< CONSPIRACY TO CONCEAL AND COVER UP AFOREMENTIONED CRIMES listed  among the private criminal complaints  filed against  the defendants.

      ALL  defendants knew  of  the  favors provided  to  Laurence Bujdos in a  5 million dollar divorce  In exchange for bribes ,  and delaying this case for  5 years  to allow the attorneys to churn  $200,000.00  in fees  and  the  court to   take $200,000.00 from wifes share of  the inequitable Distribution.

      ALL  WERE AWARE OF  THE  bribe  that  was paid to Master Eric Bononi for  10,000.00 by the husbands attorney.

      They were aware   that she  paid  him with a check  that was from the  parties retirement income she was illegally holding,  as a part of  her  strategy to  win the case  by   financially

      Suppressing  the wife,  by taking her  $3,750.00 a month income since Jan 2013.

      The judge was aware the master  waived a pretrial statement,  refused to allow all wife’s to enter all her  evidence on May 9, 2016

      Allowed  2.5  million  in marital  assets to be hidden and

      The master and the court  Did not  require full disclosure by the husband before procuring the  unconscionable  order on 7-18-17 .

      Both   judges  allowed attorney Linda Whalen  to present repeated meritless, vexatious  false motions  and also  done ex parte.

      Allowed Attorney Whalen  to  obstruct discovery when she refused o produce financial documents for discovery for  5 years.

      Both  Refused to provide wife  with the correct Alimony Pendente Lite  to have a fair divorce.

      Refused to hear motions wife entered to prevent dissipation of $500,000.00 from an IRA.

      Refused to dismiss an exclusive possession of the home hearing,  that  delayed the case  2 more years, with no laws to support the action that  left  the wife, a domestic violence  victim homeless  and  awarding home to the abuser.

      The court  issued  un explainable  grossly inflated fees and  fines charged to the wife / Deborah Bujdos  for  a unfounded  contempt  matter,   in a  deliberately delayed  5 year long divorce. Judge Smail witnessed suborning  perjury on July 11, 2016 in the contempt matter and  refused to  allow the wife’s  witnesses to the  perjury to  testify.  He quashed the wife’s subpoena  she served on   the deputy who actually  approached the husband  on July 11, 2016   while  he was coaching a witness under cross  and  told him to stop.

      All participants are aware Deborah Bujdos  was defrauded  2.5 million in  Judge Smails  7-17-17  unconscionable  fraudulent Equitable  Distribution  order  that  was missing 2.5 M  owed to the wife  and awarded  the husband  5 M.

      All were aware of the husband committing spousal support fraud and  refused to enforce the  payment of $300,000.00 owed to Deborah Bujdos/ wife for back support.

      After  the  case was closed in December 2017  Judge Smail was removed from Family court after the wife

      had made  voluminous complaints since 9-9-15   to the president judge,  the JCB  and the court administrator and county commissioners with no response.


      The records  show a ll defendants   conspired  with other Government and judicial Officials and Defendants to  conceal  that Laurence Bujdos  /Husband was hiding  over  2.5 million in assets  from Deborah Bujdos the wife,

      also to conceal  this   Court lost  subject matter jurisdiction when the second  judge,  Harry Smail   accepted  appointed by the recused  judge  Christian  Scherer, who personally chose his replacement  ,   Judge  Scherer  deliberately delayed the case for 3 years by denying the wife  the correct Alimony Pendente  lite  and  her own retirement annuity  funds  to be able to afford  proper legal representation .

      Judge Christian Scherer  also  unlawfully  granted  2  ex parte  damaging false motions,   filed by husbands attorney in June 2015 .

      This court  was informed by the wife  that they had  lost Subject matter   jurisdiction over  all Laurence Bujdos’s claims for relief  in the   ill gotten  proceedings , which were requested  by the husband and his counsel.  THIS COURT IGNORED  THE  LOSS OF  JURIDICTION AND DELAYED THE CASE  FOR 2 MORE YEARS,  COSTING THE WIFE OVER $200,000.00 .  The wife  asked Judge Harry Smail  to recuse  4 times and refused each time , from 9-9-15 – 2017 DUE TO  EXTREME BLATANT  BIAS  AGAINST THE WIFE,  THE WIFE PRESENTED  NOTORIZED WITNESS STATEMENTS CONFIRMING HIS BIAS.

      He remained  on the case  until he  denied wife  her  2.5 million she  is entitled to and prevented her  from appealing  it by refusing  to release funds for  her to  hire an appellate attorney  to appeal his unconscionable,  fraudulent order date 7-18-17  that was procured with extrinsic fraud.   He ignored the wife’s  4 motions  she timely filed  to vacate the order due to fraud.

      There were many crimes committed by  the defendants and the wife filed private criminal complaints with the local DA  who said they  could not handle the crimes because they were federal.

      The wife  also sent  information regarding this to the  Attorney General, and the US  Attorney and had no response to date.


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