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Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).
Your Last Name IS KEPT PRIVATE and only viewable by Administration and Staff to ensure Non-Court victims don't have access. Once registered, you'll have the ability to change what can be seen. If you are still paranoid or part of an active case, YES you can use an assumed (fake name)
This field may be seen by: Only Me Change
Your First name, YES, if you have an ongoing case and wish to use an assumed name you can create one. NOTE: We attempt to veto all users to ensure NON-court victims do not get access and without valid info you may not be able to have access to private valid vetted court victim sections. Please contact the Admin if this is the case so we can arrange something at [email protected] Thank you
This field may be seen by: Everyone
Where the Court is located. County Preferred, locations without counties use a City (Only 1)
This field may be seen by: My Friends Change
State or Province where the court is located
This field may be seen by: All Members
(ONLY one) Select the initial Court Division where your Judicial Abuse began
Use this if there are 2 court divisions involved in your Judicial Abuse. Check the 1st Court Division box, add the additional here
This field may be seen by: Everyone Change
If you're NOT the actual victim, what's the actual victim's Full name?
Not mandatory, helpful if you are looking for others avenues of help. Will not be made public
1st Judge involved Judges full name, First, Middle initial and Last Name please (Only 1)
Second involved Judges full name, First, Middle initial and Last Name please
3rd involved Judges full name, First, Middle initial and Last Name please
1st Lawyer involved in your Judicial Abuse full name, First, Middle initial and Last Name please
2nd Lawyer involved in your Judicial Abuse full name, First, Middle initial and Last Name please
3rd Lawyer involved in your Judicial Abuse full name, First, Middle initial and Last Name please
Case files location, your website, etc
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