RIGHT TRUMPS MIGHT Los Angeles Times Continues Silence On Subject of Corruption

Los Angeles Times Continues Silence On Subject of Corruption

Savannah Winslow shares her latest email to Los Angeles Times writer George Skelton:

“[California Senate President] Darrell Steinberg. Fearless proponent? Or lapdog.”

“Steinberg co-authored Senate Bill SBX2-11, the ‘smoking gun’ proof of judicial corruption in Los Angeles County. SBX2-11, you’ll recall, forgave the commission of (literally) ten million felonies committed by Superior Court Judges and County Supervisors under a scheme specifically forbidden by the Constitution. The scheme involved counties illegally giving judges (who are well-paid state employees) monies under the table, hidden from the public for at least twenty years. ‘Smoking gun proof’ in the sense that there was no need to retroactively immunize an act unless a crime had been committed.”

“By the end of this month, at least eight judges will have been sued, as individuals not judicial officers (meaning no immunity), as a result of their having received County monies while ruling in cases in which the County has an interest, a clear denial of due process and an obstruction of justice. Thousands of such cases will be filed before this is over. (The geniuses who crafted SBX2-11, which included former Chief Justice Ronald George, neglected to immunize the guilty for every crime committed, just the first three, apparently, that came to mind. Viewed in a different light, major malpractice occurred. This legal exposure no doubt contributed to George’s sudden decision to ‘resign’, presumably hoping that doing so would stave off the inevitable indictments.) In the two lawsuits against individual judges that have already been filed and served, the entire court has recused itself, meaning the matter will ultimately be heard by judges in different counties … one of the three counties where judges did not receive the payments, many of whom are jealous as hell.”

“Will Steinberg again be able to cover Antonovich, Knabe and the judges’ backsides? One would think that Antonovich and Knabe already have enough to worry about, what with the collapsing [Shores] marina development / leasing deal as HUD panics and the U.S. Attorney’s Office refers the matter to the FBI for investigation.”

“Why are these things never reported by the Times? Is somebody pulling strings that shouldn’t be? Does anyone over there have any integrity anymore? (sigh) These shenanigans have cost L.A. County taxpayers, including Times employees, over a billion dollars. And that’s just the part that’s known for sure. The unknown losses could well have neutralized the current financial “crisis”. Instead, the fatcats just keep getting fatter … while the folks that could actually do something about it pretend to be looking in a different direction, oblivious to the impact of the crime of the century.”

“Shame on those folks. Shame.”

Savannah S. Winslow

Richard Fine Thanks Supporters

Dear Friends:

Please excuse my delay in communicating with you. I am still recovering from the 18 months of incarceration.

On behalf of my wife Maryellen, my daughter Tory and myself, I thank you for all of your prayers and efforts to help win my freedom.

The fight against corruption and to restore our judicial system is not easy. However, together, we have demonstrated that we will not allow our constitutional rights to be destroyed by corrupt judges. Judge Yaffe resigned from office after I reported him to the California Commission on Judicial Performance and sought his removal. Ronald M. George, the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court who knowingly oversaw the illegal county payments to the California judges has resigned from office rather that run for re-election. We have had an impact. We currently have requests for grand jury investigations of judges pending and requests for congressional investigations pending. The crusade is gathering steam.

We must now be ever vigilant to vote out all judges and justices in California who received the illegal payments, ensure that corruption does not occur in other states and in the federal judiciary, and pursue our grand jury and congressional investigations.

We now have the momentum! Let us continue together to victory.

Once again, a BIG thank you. Without your prayers and support, I would never have survived this ordeal.

God Bless You.


Two days following his unexpected release from L A Central Men’s Jail On Friday September 17, 2010 Richard I.Fine described the conditions in “coercive confinement’ and his eighteen month ordeal waging a legal battle for freedom from his solitary jail cell without an attorney. Full Disclosure Network® presents a ten minute video preview from a three hour exclusive interview featured on the Internet Website http://www.fulldisclosure.net .

Richard Fine who holds a Ph.D in International Law and was a former U.S . Prosecutor in Washington D. C. tells of his darkest

moment during his incarceration, and the reasons why he was never tempted to give in to the illegal order of State Superior

Court Judge David P. Yaffe.

The full interview is to be released to Public Access Cable channels throughout California and on Community Cable channels in

major cities throughout the United States a and the Internet. The Full Disclosure Network is billed as “the news behind the news”, an independent public affairs cable TV show produced by Emmy Award winning host Leslie Dutton and Producer T J Johnston since 1992.


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