STOP using Google searches, instead try Yandex or Duck Duck Go

WHY YOU CAN’T TRUST GOOGLE America has always abused propaganda and narrative to control the public. How else can Americans really know what is being done to them? Such as where our hard-earned tax dollars are being stolen by a bribed US congress as well, our entire government. The point here is what a manipulated search accomplishes is that is allowing government (who ever is really running it) to use the “lie and keep repeating the lie” tactic to stop the truth by calling the actual truth “conspiracy theories, lies, deniers, antisemite, racist, etc”. The point is criminals are trying to convince the public that what they see is not the truth. We are pushed to hate, go to war and dislike other countries for the sole purpose of starting wars killing millions of innocent people to steal resources and land. The United States did this with North America, committing genocide on Native Americans and forcing them into prison camps called “reservations”. This same tactic is going on and Americans are cheated and lied to about what is going on in the Middle East. Worse victims in America have their… Read More