Out of Control Public Servants Getting hired to Abuse the Public and Violate Your Rights

OUT OF CONTROL, STUPID, DISRESPECTFUL, CONTROL FREAK PUBLIC SERVANTS This is about Americans taking back our country from public servants. Be they presidents, vice presidents, Judges, Police, Sheriff, Deputies and Those who control our courts the American Legal BAR. Just who is running our government? Who should be protecting us from these monsters? Americans are robbed out of rights, the constitution and laws that are designed to protect us. The very people who are supposed to protect us are accepting bribes, weaponizing our courts and using our government against us. The saying goes, “To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?” Seeing that a foreign entity with a proven factual history of killing Americans (USS Liberty) and selling American military secrets (Jonathan Pollard) is in fact bribing all of our government to write anti-boycott law, use “antisemitism” as a weapon or tool to rob us of “Freedom of Speech”. We’ve been lied to about almost everything written in history. As they say, “the victor gets to write History”. What alarms us… Read More