Continuing Legal Education » ‘L.A. Law’ Meets ‘Jail’ — Disbarred Attorney 14 Months Into ‘Coercive Confinement’

Help support Dr Richard I fines Amend SBX 2 11 to stop judicial corruption

‘L.A. Law’ Meets ‘Jail’ — Disbarred Attorney 14 Months Into ‘Coercive Confinement’ Today, CNN is scheduled to air video of its interview with Richard Fine, a (now disbarred) attorney who has spent more than 14 months in the L.A. County Jail for contempt of court after he refused to provide certain financial documents pursuant to a court order in connection with a fee award in a case Fine lost. Fine Today, CNN is scheduled to air video of its interview with Richard Fine, a (now disbarred) attorney who has spent more than 14 months in the L.A. County Jail for contempt of court after he refused to provide certain financial documents pursuant to a court order in connection with a fee award in a case Fine lost. Fine considers himself a political prisoner, because his raison d’etre over the past several years has been exposing the alleged corruption inherent in the courts of Los Angeles County resulting from the county’s practice of tacking on an additional $57,000 in “supplemental benefits” to the $178,000 state salary of Superior Court judges. A California appellate court actually ruled those payments unconstitutional in 2008,… Read More

From Steven G. Erickson

millions nationwide stolen by corrupt judges and lawyerst

From Steven G. Erickson FROM OPEN EDNEWS.COM Nationwide Problem: Imagine having millions of dollars stolen from you by banksters and judges. Imagine being put in prison to shut you up. Imagine having guns put to your head by law enforcement threatening your life if you report the judge (a thief) and banksters (a den of thieves, OpEd News Article) Richard H. talks about his experiencing the above: I called and emailed US Senator Leahy, Congressman Peter Welch, and Sen. Bernie Sanders on the Judicial Corruption, Bankster, and Atty Fine issues. I contacted Judicial Reform activists around the country. I emailed Phil Donahue and plan on calling Ken Burns to ask him how he would raise funds to make a judicial reform documentary. I talked to Ken Burns about 3 weeks ago in New Hampshire and he told me that he has zero interest in doing any video on the US court system, but he did tell me on camera the projects he is interested in pursuing. I haven’t let the issue of judicial misconduct rest since I started writing letters to the editor in newspapers back in the 1990’s. Submitted… Read More

September 6 2023 A Day of Infamy for Justice in America

A bold headline! What does it mean? September 6, 2023, is the last day that the California Legislature can amend pending California Assembly Judicial Committee Bill AB 1756, “Omnibus Judicial Legislation” to end thirty-seven (37) years of judicial corruption depriving California citizens and residents due process and an honest judicial system. The judiciary illegally accepted approximately $1-1.1 billion from California counties and courts, in violation of the California Penal Code’s “bribe” and related sections, and the federal criminal law 18 U.S.C. Section 1346 – “The Intangible Right to Honest Services” under which “Bribery” is an element to prove. The California Legislature has refused to stop the corruption for thirty-seven (37) years: (1) since 1985 when the “illegal payments” began; (2) 2000 when Richard I. Fine “discovered” the hidden illegal payments and exposed them in court documents; (3) 2008 when the California Court of Appeal held the payments violated the California Constitution; (4) immediately followed by 2009 when the California Judicial Council, the courts and the judges prevailed upon Darryl Steinberg, President pro Tempore of the California State Senate to falsely claim an Emergency Session of the State Legislature and pass… Read More

Judge David P. Yaffe — Perched on a Throne in ‘Wonderland’

Judge David P. Yaffe — Perched on a Throne in ‘Wonderland’ By ROGER M. GRACE I’m not exactly objective when it comes to Los Angeles Superior Court Judge David P. Yaffe. I can’t stand him. I’ve appeared before him in three cases. (The Daily Journal Corporation sought to wrest a City of Los Angeles contract from the Metropolitan News Company, and lost; MNC pushed for rescission of two County of Los Angeles contracts awarded to DJC, and lost.) Too, I’ve viewed Yaffe’s handling of numerous other cases with which I’ve been unconnected. I commented in a column on Sept. 15 on one proceeding I viewed while waiting for a matter to be called; Yaffe imposed a $200 sanction on a plaintiff’s lawyer for not giving notice of a status conference to lawyers for the other parties. The problem was that there were no other attorneys of record in the case. And Yaffe imposed that sanction on Aug. 24 notwithstanding that one day after he issued an OSC re sanction on July 26, the Court of Appeal, in a published opinion, invalidated a sanction meted out under identical circumstances. From what… Read More

RIGHT TRUMPS MIGHT Los Angeles Times Continues Silence On Subject of Corruption

Los Angeles Times Continues Silence On Subject of Corruption Savannah Winslow shares her latest email to Los Angeles Times writer George Skelton: “[California Senate President] Darrell Steinberg. Fearless proponent? Or lapdog.” “Steinberg co-authored Senate Bill SBX2-11, the ‘smoking gun’ proof of judicial corruption in Los Angeles County. SBX2-11, you’ll recall, forgave the commission of (literally) ten million felonies committed by Superior Court Judges and County Supervisors under a scheme specifically forbidden by the Constitution. The scheme involved counties illegally giving judges (who are well-paid state employees) monies under the table, hidden from the public for at least twenty years. ‘Smoking gun proof’ in the sense that there was no need to retroactively immunize an act unless a crime had been committed.” “By the end of this month, at least eight judges will have been sued, as individuals not judicial officers (meaning no immunity), as a result of their having received County monies while ruling in cases in which the County has an interest, a clear denial of due process and an obstruction of justice. Thousands of such cases will be filed before this is over. (The geniuses who crafted SBX2-11,… Read More