jewish owned media

Why would Google not want us to find evidence Jews were genocidal experts? One day searching Google, which used to be the only search engine I used, I noticed I could not find a site that was obvious the most searched for its specific use of keywords. So I tried to find the same search results with a few other search engines. To my surprise Yandex which Americans might not trust due to so much American propaganda hate actually found the site and more. I noticed after I spent a great deal of time comparing search results that Google was the worst engine. It had an obvious biased towards its search results. When October 7th took place I did not trust either side of this event, so I looked deeper and found that Google was censoring everything about Palestine, and instead it focused on common Israeli IDF propaganda and lies. Someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes and get us to believe someone is a terrorist. But if you look deeper, what Israel has been doing to Palestinians since the day Jews arrived, you start to see… Read More


SUPPORT TAXPAYERS AGAINST GENOCIDE Americans are being robbed by Hollywood, A bribed US Congress, ADL, rich Zionist criminals and a small group of people who are less than 3% of America who are out of control killing women and children to steal yet one more native people’s country via the use of American military support and stolen taxpayer funds in the form of over a trillion dollar. This all started when these evil criminals took over our government and it’s agencies such as the FBI, CIA and NSA. Which allowed the to assassinate 3 Kennedy’s, blow up the Twin towers to get the US to go to war with innocent Iraq which never had any weapons of mass destruction. U.S.S. Liberty and selling American military secrets via a traitor and criminal, Jonathan Pollard. Join Taxpayers Against Genocide (TAG) A Call to All Federal Income Taxpayers in the Greater Bay Area and Northern California Websites: Richmond Progressive Alliance FOLLOW THE PODCASTS: PA 20th Anniversary Video THIS MOVEMENT IS GROWING NATIONWIDE OTHER SIMILAR MOVEMENTS: California Taxpayers File Class Action Lawsuit Against Congressional Reps, Demand Stop to Genocide Funding “We Have to Act”:… Read More


we are created equal civil rights lawyer John H Bryan Attorney at Law

Lawyer John H. Bryan’s YouTube Channel John H. Bryan / Civil Rights Attorney, Constitutional Activist, YouTuber John H. Bryan has been practicing law in West Virginia since 2006, focused on federal civil rights litigation, representing plaintiffs in section 1983 actions against government defendants in cases involving allegations of constitutional violations of individual rights – primarily involving police interactions. His YouTube channel, “The Civil Rights Lawyer,” currently approaching 900,000 subscribers, regularly publishes video content informing and educating the public about civil rights topics. Focusing on individual police interactions nationwide, combining elements of storytelling, investigative journalism and legal analysis, his videos have amassed over 300,000,000 views since 2020. Beyond just information and education, his videos have helped to bring meaningful change and government accountability in communities across the country, resulting in increased transparency, public awareness and civil rights protections for citizens. John was a 2024 recipient of The Governor’s Civil Rights Day Award, “for extraordinary service to the citizens of West Virginia in the battle for absolute equality and civil rights for all.” John received an undergraduate degree in Political Science at the University of Central Florida, where he was the defense… Read More

Out of Control Public Servants Getting hired to Abuse the Public and Violate Your Rights

Out of control public servants violate Amerians rights

OUT OF CONTROL, STUPID, DISRESPECTFUL, CONTROL FREAK PUBLIC SERVANTS This is about Americans taking back our country from public servants. Be they presidents, vice presidents, Judges, Police, Sheriff, Deputies and Those who control our courts the American Legal BAR. Just who is running our government? Who should be protecting us from these monsters? Americans are robbed out of rights, the constitution and laws that are designed to protect us. The very people who are supposed to protect us are accepting bribes, weaponizing our courts and using our government against us. The saying goes, “To determine the true rulers of any society, all you must do is ask yourself this question: Who is it that I am not permitted to criticize?” Seeing that a foreign entity with a proven factual history of killing Americans (USS Liberty) and selling American military secrets (Jonathan Pollard) is in fact bribing all of our government to write anti-boycott law, use “antisemitism” as a weapon or tool to rob us of “Freedom of Speech”. We’ve been lied to about almost everything written in history. As they say, “the victor gets to write History”.  What alarms us… Read More

Corrupt Los Angeles California Mayor Karen Ruth Bass


Karen Ruth Bass born in Los Angeles, California, graduated from Hamilton High School. 1990 she earned a bachelor’s degree from California State University Dominguez Hills and master’s degree in 2015 in social work from University of Southern California. Her experience includes working as a physician’s assistant and faculty member at the University of Southern California at Los Angeles. Los Angeles’ jet setting mayor, who was absent when the wildfires broke out, committed during an interview three years ago to pause international travel. In 2021, the year before she assumed the city’s highest office, Karen Bass spoke of the downside of being L.A.’s mayor: a lack of global travel. Bass was a frequent flyer in previous roles as a Democratic member of Congress and the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “I went to Africa every couple of months, all the time,” Bass told The New York Times in October 2021. “The idea of leaving that, especially the international work and the Africa work, I was like, ‘Mmm, I don’t think I want to do that.’” However, Bass subsequently told the Times that if she was voted in as mayor, “not only would… Read More


holding government accountable personally so it causes change

THEY MUST RESIGN AND PERSONALLY BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE, OR MAKE IT LAW. CALIFORNIA, THE WORSE RUN STATE IN THE NATION Government, the courts are too busy stealing, accepting bribes, lying and destroying justice to protect the people California Governor Gavin Newsom Los Angeles, California Mayor Karen Bass The biggest problem in America is “Government” which is run by selfish, unprofessional, unqualified clowns and frauds who are supported by big money that is NOT about the people. These criminals who win fixes elections never protect “justice, order, bribery, corruption or protect the people” and we mean THE PEOPLE not the rich. This is NOT only about holding insurance or power companies accountable, it’s about holding our courts, judges and all BAR members accountable, so the people have justice. People have not had justice in a corrupt run America for decades. The legal system is a profit system instead of a justice system which protects the people. WHO DESTROYED SAN FRANCISCO, OAKLAND AND OTHER DISASTER COUNTIES? THEY KNEW ABOUT THE DANGER YEARS AGO BUT DID NOTHING OR? MADE IT WORSE BREAKING NEWS: California GOP Lawmaker Absolutely Savages Gavin Newsom’s Handling Of Wildfires… Read More