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BECAUSE WE CAN’T WIN THE WAR ALONE, AGAINST CORRUPTION, JUDICIAL ABUSE AND A FRAUDULENT LEGAL SYSTEM THAT OPERATES ILLEGALLY BEHIND A FALSE IMAGE OF JUSTICE VIA UNDESERVED AND STOLEN IMPUNITY Goals and benefits: Provide your info once. Network, share, support fellow court victims who are part of the same community. Take control of your communications and information. The community is about court victims, their security and protection come first. We are offshore hosted and protected by a secure domain and country that supports freedom of speech. We don’t take down information about abusers because US law is not in effect in Iceland, where we’re hosted. No more “You violated Community standards” by a social media platform where you are not actually part of that community. You are the community here and have the right to vote for those rights, rules and forward progress. You have control over who you network with and how much info they’re able to see. No more giving out your email address only to be added with or without your permission to mass email groups where anyone can obtain your private email. We provide a safe… Read More
These rules may change as we vote and grow. 1. Respect for one another in our opinions, words and even when registering. If you think this is a game or attempt to register with false information, disrespectful nicknames or profile names, you may be banned, blocked and removed. 2. There is no reason to attack another user, and attacks of any kind are reason for suspension or removal from our community. You have the option to unfriend, block or ignore. All interaction must be respectful. Even if you don’t agree or believe what a user is stating, you have no right to disrespect them. A better alternative is to post with supportive info, your differing opinion. Everyone has the right to free speech and their opinion, no matter how much it may differ, or you don’t agree with it. 3. Disrespect for the Community (This site and domain name) will not be tolerated. 4. Donations, while currently we have not yet completed our non-profit status or donation process, we will accept donations for upkeep, storage and maintenance. The difference is donations will always be optional, never mandatory. 5. Voting and… Read More