Probate Mafia How Judges Rob us of Justice, Rights and Money

Probate Mafia American Judges robing the public of rights law and justice

America is being robbed by judges who whore themselves out to anyone willing to pay VIOLATING LAW AND RIGHTS, IGNORING DUE PROCESS The scam is simple and has been going on for decades. Connected dirty lawyers make back room deals with corrupt judges (who are often law school friends or worked together for a law firm). What this begins is a totally illegal process that is hidden behind courtroom walls and sealed records. Made legal because it happened before a judge, who did not stop it or object. Perjury, fraud, embezzlement even over medicating with heavy duty psychotropic medications (which are known to cause death) are legally administered. Not only that, legal wills, power of attorney, trusts, (any legal document) are ignored or overturned by the judge. WHY? Because there’s zero accountability of prosecution, so as the saying goes “When the cat is away the mouse will play”. These crime scenes (courtrooms) are free to do as they wish and, certainly, they break all the rules. Should you question the court’s action, get involved at great legal expense to expose what’s going on or try and help the victim, you’ll… Read More


Book Rogues in Black Robes by Brian Vukadinovich

Book Rogues in Black Robes author brian vukadinovich educator speaker

Book Rogues in Black Robes by Brian Vukadinovich “… with liberty, and justice for all.” But is there truly justice for all? And how “just” is our justice system? Find out for yourself as you read how a federal court of appeals judge in Chicago used his influence to have a decision fixed regarding an appeal filed against rogue police a former judge of the United States Court of Appeals decided to come clean and disclose how he allowed himself to be manipulated into throwing the decision the chief judge of the United States Court of Appeals and other members of that court, covered up the case-fixing activities In Rogues in Black Robes, you will read about mechanisms that are put in place to protect corrupt judges from accountability when they breach their sworn oaths of office and even violate the laws of the United States. Read, learn, and decide for yourself whether there is truly “justice for all.” MORE BRIAN VUKADINOVICH ARTICLES Read More