Medicare Appeal M-23-386 filed 28 10 22 pending a cover-up: a call to Medicare Appeal Council to decide; & to public, lawyers & journalists exposing abuse of power

Dr Richard Cordero Esq exposes medicare

Medicare Appeals Council to decide appeal M-23-386


Medicare appeal M-23-386, filed on 28oct22, is still pending through a cover-up: a call to Medicare Appeal Council to decide it; & to the public, lawyers & journalists to expose similar abuse of power everywhere
[email protected]
7/7/2024, 8:45 PM
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Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England
M.B.A., University of Michigan Business School
D.E.A., La Sorbonne, Paris
Judicial Discipline Reform
New York City
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

A call‡
to Medicare Appeals Council
to decide appeal M-23-386, filed on 28 October 2022
and still pending more than a year later;


to people whose rights Medicare and related entities have denied,
to class action law firms, and to investigative journalists,
to join forces to expose the abuse of power and cover-up
affecting so many people who assert their rights
as single party to their stand-alone case and
even do so without a lawyer (pro se), and
as a result, have barely any chance against
hospitals, medical practitioners,
equipment and laboratory services providers,
health insurance companies and health management organizations (HMOs)
and their networks of services and equipment providers,
medical decisions reviewers, administrative law judges,
Medicare, Medicaid, and the Medicare Appeals Council,
all with their lawyers and
working in coordination to further their common interest in
enlarging their networks of services and equipment providers;
denying claims of people to save money; and/or
billing them for the balance of bills in excess of
what the tables of medical costs allow by law and contract, which
constitutes balance billing and
has been illegal since 1997♦(OL3:1611§A)
because it defeats the purpose of medical costs limited by health insurance,
thus prompting the recent adoption by Congress of
the No Surprise Bill Act, which
so many entities and Medicare blatantly disregard in their interest and
to the detriment of their patients and their insureds.


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