STOP using Google searches, instead try Yandex or Duck Duck Go

google logo how google censors victims and promotes false narratives and helps criminals

America has always abused propaganda and narrative to control the public. How else can Americans really know what is being done to them? Such as where our hard-earned tax dollars are being stolen by a bribed US congress as well, our entire government. The point here is what a manipulated search accomplishes is that is allowing government (who ever is really running it) to use the “lie and keep repeating the lie” tactic to stop the truth by calling the actual truth “conspiracy theories, lies, deniers, antisemite, racist, etc”. The point is criminals are trying to convince the public that what they see is not the truth. We are pushed to hate, go to war and dislike other countries for the sole purpose of starting wars killing millions of innocent people to steal resources and land. The United States did this with North America, committing genocide on Native Americans and forcing them into prison camps called “reservations”. This same tactic is going on and Americans are cheated and lied to about what is going on in the Middle East. Worse victims in America have their abuse, crimes against them pushed down by major players who help the deep state or actual criminals. Google does this for example when you search for our site “Court Victim” which are the keywords.

Censorship by Google

Google and its subsidiary companies, such as YouTube, have removed or omitted information from its services in order to comply with company policies, legal demands, and government censorship laws. Numerous governments have asked Google to censor content. In 2012, Google ruled in favor of more than half the requests they received via court orders and phone calls. READ MORE

google logo how google censors victims and promotes false narratives
Example search “Court Victim” with Google by clicking HERE

Notice the sited does not come up for many pages, this shows it’s being censored and pushed down in results.

google logo how google censors victims and promotes false narratives Yandex does not
Now try this same search with Yandex by clicking HERE
Note due to this site obviously having hundreds of keywords using “Court Victim” without censorship the site comes up at the top as number one.

google logo how google censors victims and promotes false narratives Duck Duck Go does not

Now try this same search with Duck Duck Go by clicking HERE
Duck Duck Go is another option if you are brainwashed to hate Russia. Duck Duck Go easily finds a
Court Victim search, bringing it to the top of searches.

This is why America or the Deep State wants you to hate other countries that won’t censor the truth. Such as Russia, China etc. The deep state spends billions spreading lies, for example “Palestinians or Hamas” are terrorists when in fact the people trying to kill them are the actual terrorists. This is no different from America, where Court Victims are painted as the bad guy and the criminals get their crimes suppressed.

Why do you think they attacked Elon Musk with Twitter or want to ban TikTok?

24 Other search engines

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