From Steven G. Erickson

millions nationwide stolen by corrupt judges and lawyerst

From Steven G. Erickson FROM OPEN EDNEWS.COM Nationwide Problem: Imagine having millions of dollars stolen from you by banksters and judges. Imagine being put in prison to shut you up. Imagine having guns put to your head by law enforcement threatening your life if you report the judge (a thief) and banksters (a den of thieves, OpEd News Article) Richard H. talks about his experiencing the above: I called and emailed US Senator Leahy, Congressman Peter Welch, and Sen. Bernie Sanders on the Judicial Corruption, Bankster, and Atty Fine issues. I contacted Judicial Reform activists around the country. I emailed Phil Donahue and plan on calling Ken Burns to ask him how he would raise funds to make a judicial reform documentary. I talked to Ken Burns about 3 weeks ago in New Hampshire and he told me that he has zero interest in doing any video on the US court system, but he did tell me on camera the projects he is interested in pursuing. I haven’t let the issue of judicial misconduct rest since I started writing letters to the editor in newspapers back in the 1990’s. Submitted… Read More

My Dad Tried to Right a Wrong, Now He’s Behind Bars Unjustly

My Dad Tried to Right a Wrong, Now He’s Behind Bars Unjustly My father is 69 years old and is known for his dapper bow ties and for seeing the world in strict terms of right and wrong. And since March, he has been taken a political prisoner of the L.A. County Jail System. By Victoria Fine, Contributor Program Director at The Tiziano Project Mar 18, 2010, 05:12 AM EDT |Updated Dec 6, 2017 As an editor at Huffington Post Impact, I have the honor of reporting daily the generous acts of others and the devastating issues that our communities have yet to address sufficiently to make this world a safe and healthy place for everyone. I empathize with the subjects of our articles on a very personal level. My own parents are uninsured, facing foreclosure of their house, and my father is unjustly in jail. All because of his compulsion to help others. Many of you may be familiar with California’s budget mess. Around the state, parks are being closed, tuition hiked and state workers laid off in an attempt to salvage a very bad financial situation, one that… Read More

From Steven G. Erickson

From Steven G. Erickson FROM OPEN EDNEWS.COM Nationwide Problem: Imagine having millions of dollars stolen from you by banksters and judges. Imagine being put in prison to shut you up. Imagine having guns put to your head by law enforcement threatening your life if you report the judge (a thief) and banksters (a den of thieves, OpEd News Article) Richard H. talks about his experiencing the above: I called and emailed US Senator Leahy, Congressman Peter Welch, and Sen. Bernie Sanders on the Judicial Corruption, Bankster, and Atty Fine issues. I contacted Judicial Reform activists around the country. I emailed Phil Donahue and plan on calling Ken Burns to ask him how he would raise funds to make a judicial reform documentary. I talked to Ken Burns about 3 weeks ago in New Hampshire and he told me that he has zero interest in doing any video on the US court system, but he did tell me on camera the projects he is interested in pursuing. I haven’t let the issue of judicial misconduct rest since I started writing letters to the editor in newspapers back in the 1990’s. Submitted… Read More

From Judicial reform activist Joseph Zernik:

From Judicial reform activist Joseph Zernik: The case of Richard Fine was used only as an example. The vast majority of the victims are blacks and Latinos, and about a third of them were estimated to have been still juveniles at the time of their false imprisonment. As quoted in the paper forwarded to you some weeks ago: 1) Reports by PBS in 2001 related to the Rampart scandal investigation (1998-2000) provided various estimates of the number of those who were falsely imprisoned in Los Angeles County as 8,000 to 30,000. 2) an Unofficial report by Prof Erwin Chemerinsky, Founding Dean of the UC Irvine Law School, and renowned constitutional scholar in 2001 stated upon review of the matter: “This is conduct associated with the most repressive dictators and police states… and judges must share responsibility when innocent people are convicted.” 3) Unofficial report by Prof David Burcham, Dean of Loyola Los Angeles Law School in 2001 stated: “…judges tried and sentenced a staggering number of people for crimes they did not commit.” 4) Official report by the Blue Ribbon Review Panel stated in 2006: “Innocent people remain in prison”…. Read More