What caused the rise in crime, corruption, illegal immigration and weaponized law and court system

Worldwide corruption and control by foreign entities that lie cheat steal and bribe

IT’S NOT JUST CALIFORNIA BUT THE ENTIRE COUNTRY AND WORLD WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON IN GAZA/ISRAEL AND WHAT ISRAEL WON’T ADMIT IT STARTED OCTOBER 7th IS A LIE, WHAT ISRAELIS HAVE BEEN DOING FOR DECADES 100% FACT ISRAEL LIED AND SPREAD BASELESS BLATANT LIES SUCH AS BURNED< BEHEADED BABIES, FEMALE HOSTAGES WERE RAPED, ABUSED OR CUT OPEN. ALL VICIOUS LIES USED TO GAIN ANGER AND SUPPORT. Find more statistics at Statista Calling it a war is a baseless, blatant lie, it was a set-up to create a reason which they thought would be acceptable to the world to slaughter them all. The facts remain, Israel started the killing and each time blamed it on the victims. With the goal to take more and more land to build a stolen empire. Israel has NEVER been a victim and only abused as it used the anti-Semitism card and holocaust guilt trip. IT STARTED WITH A LIE AND GREW A PEOPLE BORN ON LIES, FRAUD, RACISM, GENOCIDE, EXTORTION, BRIBERY AND STEALING How Israel and Its Allies Lost Global Credibility Has Israel been a good Ally for the American taxpayers? The fact that Israel… Read More


Probate Mafia How Judges Rob us of Justice, Rights and Money

Probate Mafia American Judges robing the public of rights law and justice

America is being robbed by judges who whore themselves out to anyone willing to pay VIOLATING LAW AND RIGHTS, IGNORING DUE PROCESS The scam is simple and has been going on for decades. Connected dirty lawyers make back room deals with corrupt judges (who are often law school friends or worked together for a law firm). What this begins is a totally illegal process that is hidden behind courtroom walls and sealed records. Made legal because it happened before a judge, who did not stop it or object. Perjury, fraud, embezzlement even over medicating with heavy duty psychotropic medications (which are known to cause death) are legally administered. Not only that, legal wills, power of attorney, trusts, (any legal document) are ignored or overturned by the judge. WHY? Because there’s zero accountability of prosecution, so as the saying goes “When the cat is away the mouse will play”. These crime scenes (courtrooms) are free to do as they wish and, certainly, they break all the rules. Should you question the court’s action, get involved at great legal expense to expose what’s going on or try and help the victim, you’ll… Read More


Support this Bill to GET JUSTICE for ALL COURT VICTIMS Nationwide

Support this Dr Richard I Fine Los Angeles County California Corrupt Members ignore judicial corruption victims

History of SBX 211 and AB 2960 SBX 2 11 Commencing in the mid to late 1980s California Counties and State Superior Courts began paying State Superior Court judges (Trial Court judges) payments in addition to their State Compensation. These payments were called “Supplemental or Local Judicial Benefit Payments” (payments). California Constitution, Article VI, Section 19, required Judicial State Compensation could only be set by the California Legislature. The payments were held to violate the California Constitution in Sturgeon v. County of Los Angeles, 167 Cal.App.4th 630 (2008), Review Denied, 2009). In response, the California Legislature approved and Governor Schwarzenegger signed SBX 2 11 on February 20, 2009, Effective May 20, 2009: (1) allowing the payments to continue in Section 2 and adding such as Section 68220 to the California Government Code; (2) defining the payments to include salary, compensation, benefits 401K and 457K plans in Section 3 and adding such as Section 68221 to the California Government Code; (3) stating nothing in SBX 2 11 requires the Judicial Council to pay for judicial benefits or previous benefits in Section 4 and adding such as Section 68222 to the California… Read More


Bexar County Texas Courthouse Corruption How to Bribe a Judge by Brian Collister

Bexar County Courtroom Corruption Texas How to Bribe a Judge by Brian Collister

HOW TO BRIBE A JUDGE BEXAR COUNTY TEXAS You’ve never heard an interview like this! Investigative Reporter Brian Collister gets a disgraced San Antonio Texas judge who went to federal prison for taking a bribe to talk publicly before about the details of his criminal case. Angus McGinty went from being a state district criminal court judge to a convicted felon, so why did he do it? Hear the former judge explain what happened in his case and describe the night FBI agents showed up at his house and told him they’d caught him on wiretaps as he was bribed by an attorney who wanted more favorable outcomes for his court cases. McGinity was the only judge prosecuted in a wide-ranging federal investigation into corruption at the Bexar County courthouse, but during this podcast the names of other judges, and bribes they allegedly took, will be revealed for the first time! Be sure to visit their page and listen to the podcasts at: https://investigativenetwork.org/ Read More