What’s it going to take to unite all Court Victims? One day at a time, one abuse at a time

What’s it going to take? They used to say, “Build it, and they will come”. This is a community that is run by its vetted and accepted members because like the image says we live in a nation of frauds. Run by frauds and controlled by frauds. The old “Wolves in Sheep’s clothing” is really used as well is “Don’t like the message, kill the messenger.” For centuries, these old sayings have been used and still are today, probably taught and instilled at major law schools and where our corporate leaders are taught. Welcome to a community of trust, support, and networking are the goal, not censorship, legal firm or pharmaceutical corporation ads or election fraud. Where the users decide on what is found in Google searches. Offshore hosted and protected from shady US courts and laws, free from censorship. Come join us as we start building what should have been done decades ago, but no one else would do it. Join real victims like Dr. Richard I. Fine who really understands the root of the problem. See this page for how to sign up and what’s required, We need… Read More