jewish owned media

Why would Google not want us to find evidence Jews were genocidal experts?

One day searching Google, which used to be the only search engine I used, I noticed I could not find a site that was obvious the most searched for its specific use of keywords. So I tried to find the same search results with a few other search engines. To my surprise Yandex which Americans might not trust due to so much American propaganda hate actually found the site and more. I noticed after I spent a great deal of time comparing search results that Google was the worst engine. It had an obvious biased towards its search results.

When October 7th took place I did not trust either side of this event, so I looked deeper and found that Google was censoring everything about Palestine, and instead it focused on common Israeli IDF propaganda and lies. Someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes and get us to believe someone is a terrorist. But if you look deeper, what Israel has been doing to Palestinians since the day Jews arrived, you start to see what’s really going on. But why the harsh internment camps that seemed more like concentration camps, which were claimed to have been used in Germany pre-1945? The more events that did not make sense, the more I searched, which also uncovered many issues with the narrative of WW2, I had visited in person many of the camps and WW2 sites over my lifetime.

For example, it’s fact that in 1990 Auschwitz, one of the most well known and claimed to be evil camps changed its death count from 5 million to a bit over 1 million. Yet no one in media or the ADL ever made a statement of the revised the numbers in history books or documentaries. Also when well known experts and historians discovered Russian archives not available before exposed documents which did not side with the claimed narrative. So what did the Jewish community do? They did not help investigate or welcome the addition of more information, they went to court to try and imprison anyone who questioned their narrative.

This led to finding a video by a Jewish American journalist who visited Auschwitz and asked questions to the tour guides and museum staff which revealed my inconsistencies of what took place at Auschwitz. The fact they had theaters and swimming pools? In a death camp?

But no one seems to talk about the fact that the allies were famous for bombing, firebombing and carpet bombing Europe and Japan. One city as example was Dresden, Germany which I had visited but found that a huge number of civilians were targeted, I also had found Hitler did not wish to target Civilians. Sounded more and more like Israel today targeting women and children in an attempt to force Palestinians to give up. There’s a pattern here. General Patton also made some interesting statements as to the war towards the end, and shortly after that was assassinated for his opinion. The thing that stood out about Dresden was the fact there was a prison camp that was pictured and used in many history books. However, not all the victims were Jewish and the cause of death was not via the Germans but the allied bombings. As well, the starvation photos were from prisoners who were starved and dies of Typhoid from supply lines behind
bombed which cause starvation and epidemic of death. Yet everything was always blamed on the Germans who were labeled Nazis’. Again, a tactic we see with Palestinians resistance being labeled Hamas or terrorists.

Israel claims Hamas attacks Israel for no other reason than hating Jews or western ways. Was that true, like the claim every Palestinian had rockets in their kitchens? Is there another reason Palestinians hate Israel? So looking back in history decades before October 7th you see why. When the Rothschild’s decided they wanted a homeland for Jews, they chose Palestine. At first, the Palestinians did not object and welcomed the Jews. There was history of them living together in peace. The problems started when the Jews decided they wanted Palestine for themselves. So the terrorism began and Israel’s terrorist groups formed to remove Palestinians from their land. I could only imagine having built a life after generations of my family living in a home when a Jew would appear that claim “God wanted me to have your land” then point a gun at me, shoot me or kill my family. Now, this does explain the hate for Jews. In fact, worse, Israel created walls, occupied almost all of Palestine. They build concentration style camps where they took anyone hostage who would not give up their land. In fact, almost a million Palestinians were taken hostage.

This all explains October 7th 2023 and what took place. I would not call it an attack or s slaughter, however Israel did it’s best to make it appear that way. It was a breach of the wall, but what was odd is for the billion dollar iron wall which had so much high-tech detection gear, why did it take the IDF over 6 hours to respond to the breaches? Also, when the IDF arrived with Apache gunships and tanks why did they start shooting instead of trying to save the people who were still being taken hostage? Photos show hundreds of cars burned to the core from the hell fire missiles used by the Apache gunships and tanks.

Then the stories for the media popped up, “burned, beheaded babies, pregnant women gutted and killed, sexual abuse of the hostages”. How terrible, who would do this and why?

Oddly the general who ordered the Hannibal directive which is an order to kill everyone who was fleeing as to not create more hostages. Victims were burned beyond recognition. But then Israel media exposed the fact the IDF killed most of the hostages, 1200+. Also, the fact hostages were being released who exposed the fact, they were treated with respect and there never was any sexual or abusive treatment. The really criminal thing now and why I lost respect for the IDF, is they kept repeating the lies on mainstream media even after it was exposed to be false. Palestine’s goal was ONLY to legally as an illegally occupied people to get hostages to bargain for the 800,000 Palestinian hostages being help illegally in concentration style camps where they are starved, beaten, electrocuted, tortured, raped, sodomized and killed. Even evidence of illegal organ harvesting.

No one speaks up and fights in court regarding the fact everything we were told about the American genocide of the American native people and the slaughter and lies about the white man. No one is questions new information concerning the 66 million Russians who were victims of genocide. Or the Armenian Genocide, but question the gas chambers, methods used to cremate over 6 million bodies and Jews everywhere scream “antisemitism, conspiracy theorists, Holocaust deniers” etc.

I found that there were literally thousands of articles, books and info on Genocides that don’t seem to appear in Google searches. Now Why would that be?

The Genocide of the Jews – a Marxist Analysis
Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People
The Jewish Role in the Native American Genocide
Jewish Genocides
Why Were Jewish Zionists Behind The Armenian Holocaust?
German Victims 100 Million Killed By Jewish Communism
The Jewish State Is Genocidal, But Is Israeli Society Sick, Too?
The Jewish Genocide and Cannibalism of the Ancient Greeks
What are all the genocides caused by the Jews?

Why are the above articles censored?

So who is the genocide expert and whose committing genocide and why? Why are we not given all the information, history and article to decide for ourselves?

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