5/12/2023 US Supreme Court Petition for Rehearing filed Petition not Opposed Supreme Court Conference Set For June 8, 2023

Los Angeles California Supreme Court ignores judicial corruption victims ignoring Amend SBX 2 11

The petition for rehearing is one of the most important cases before the Supreme Court. It will require the state government executive branch, legislative branch and judicial branch to uphold their oath of office to obey the U.S. Constitution and not “war against the Constitution”. It requires the U.S. Supreme Court to follow its precedents of Marbury v. Madison, Brown v. School Board and Cooper v. Aaron requiring the Supreme Court sets the law, due process must be followed and violating the oath of office is “war against the Constitution”, respectively. To deny the Petition for Rehearing, will be to overturn these cases interpreting the Constitution from its outset. May 12 US Supreme Court Petition for Rehearing filed READ THE PETITION HERE Actual Supreme Court Document location MORE ON DR. RICHARD I. FINE AND AMEND SBX 2 11 What is Wrong with the County Payments to Judges? TODAY OUR CHOICE IS: (1) VOTE “NO”; or (2) CONTINUE TO LIVE UNDER A CORRUPT JUDICIAL SYSTEM! The Dirty Truth Behind California’s $400 Million of “Supplemental Judicial Benefits” The Campaign for Judicial Integrity Supreme Court of the United States CAROL PULLIAM, Petitioner vs…. Read More

Who Sold Out the People and Justice Corrupt Justice Ronald M. George

Los Angeles County Superior court judge California Chief Justice Corrupt Ronald M George

Corrupt Chief Justice Ronald Marc George What is totally disgusting about this man is how he hides the criminal he really is via the background of high-end legal law schools, awards and assignments, but the truth is, he created SBX 2 11 to help his fellow lawyers and judges to escape any accountability or prosecution for being part of the exposed bribery of over 90% of California Superior court judges. This is common for the most evil, dishonorable, criminal judges or lawyers to hide behind a false image of good or honesty. Would an honorable person create SBX 211? More about SBX 211 California Bar Attorney Profile Ronald Marc George #36837 License Status: Active Address: 1333 Jones St #706, San Francisco, CA 94109 Phone: 415-314-1896 License Status, Disciplinary and Administrative History All changes of license status due to nondisciplinary administrative matters and disciplinary actions. Date License Status Discipline Administrative Action Present Active 1/3/2011 Active 6/7/1965 Admitted to the State Bar of California PONDERING WIDESPREAD CORRUPTION: THE COLLAPSE OF CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT IN CALIFORNIA By Peter J. Mancus Candidate for Member of the State Assembly; District 10 More on Peter J. Mancus… Read More

Dr. Richard I. Fine’s Personal Experience “Will the corruption finally end?”

Will the Corruption Finally End? Involved Players in the silencing of Dr. Richard I. Fine, exposing the majority of California Superior Court Judges to accepting bribes. If this is what the top justice and Supreme court do when an ethical BAR member exposes bribery and corruption, it only confirms how corrupt the entire BAR and court system is No. 22-782 Title: Carol Pulliam, Petitioner v.  University of Southern California Docketed: February 17, 2023 Lower Ct: Court of Appeal of California, Second Appellate District Case Numbers: (B304749) Decision Date: August 23, 2022 Rehearing Denied: September 8, 2022 Discretionary Court Decision Date: November 16, 2022 TIMELINE PROCEEDINGS AND ORDERS OF PETITION TO SUPREME COURT Feb 14 2023 Petition for a writ of certiorari filed. (Response due March 20, 2023) Mar 09 2023 Waiver of right of respondent University of Southern California to respond filed. Mar 22 2023 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 4/14/2023 Apr 17 2023 Petition DENIED May 12 2023 Petition for Rehearing filed May 23 2023 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 6/8/2023 How many Judges does it take to keep Judicial Corruption from being stopped? David P. Yafee, Los Angeles Superior Court… Read More

4/14/2023 the US Supreme Court Conference Decides the Future US Judicial System by Deciding this Petition

April 14 is a day of monumental decision for the US Supreme Court: (1) do the justices uphold the 14th Amendment, Supreme Court precedents of over 200 years and the codes of conduct and penal codes by reversing the California Supreme Court and voiding all decisions by state judges and justices who accepted illegal payments from counties or trial courts when they were California State trial court judges; or (2) violate all of the above by denying the unopposed Petition. A denial will effectively destroy the integrity, functioning and respect for the U.S. Judicial System. READ THE PETITION HERE   MORE ON DR. RICHARD I. FINE AND AMEND SBX 2 11 What is Wrong with the County Payments to Judges? TODAY OUR CHOICE IS: (1) VOTE “NO”; or (2) CONTINUE TO LIVE UNDER A CORRUPT JUDICIAL SYSTEM! The Dirty Truth Behind California’s $400 Million of “Supplemental Judicial Benefits” The Campaign for Judicial Integrity Supreme Court of the United States CAROL PULLIAM, Petitioner vs. USC On Petition For A Writ Of Certiorari RICHARD ISAAC FINE SBX 2 11 gave retroactive immunity from California criminal prosecution, civil liability and disciplinary action to… Read More

Supreme Court of the United States CAROL PULLIAM, Petitioner vs. USC On Petition For A Writ Of Certiorari RICHARD ISAAC FINE

Richard I Fine Petition to the Supreme Court of California For A Writ Of Certiorari

“Richard I. Fine Presents the argument against paying County or Court Supplemental or Local Judicial Benefit Payments to Judges, to the US Supreme Court.” ========================================================================================= In The Supreme Court of the United States ——————————— ♦ ——————————— CAROL PULLIAM, Petitioner, vs. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, Respondent. ——————————— ♦ ——————————— On Petition For A Writ Of Certiorari To The Supreme Court Of The State Of California ——————————— ♦ ——————————— PETITION FOR WRIT OF CERTIORARI ——————————— ♦ ——————————— RICHARD ISAAC FINE, ESQ. P.O. Box 789, 1187 Coast Village Rd., Ste. 1 Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0789 Telephone: (310) 622-6900 Email: richardfine@richardfinelaw.com Counsel for Petitioner Carol Pulliam ================================================================================================== COCKLE LEGAL BRIEFS (800) 225-6964 WWW.COCKLELEGALBRIEFS.COM i QUESTION PRESENTED Do state court trial judges, court of appeal justices and supreme court justices “war against the (United States) Constitution” by denying state litigants Fourteenth Amendment Constitutional due process when each and/or all these judicial officers did not disclose and recuse themselves as required by state law, state Code of Judicial Ethics and/or other state or federal requirements when he/she: (1) currently receives or in the past received payments from: (a) the county currently paying or paid the Respondent for Respondent’s services; and/or… Read More