Did New Documentation from WW2 Expose Exaggerations?

When ever someone tries to deny or stop anyone from investigating history, abuses, disasters it’s a sign of deception, lies and criminals trying to cover up their actions.
Truth stands on its own as documentation, evidence and witness statements will support it

Who starts the wars, labels victims and profits or benefits?

This is not about “If Jews were persecuted?” rather about accuracy and truth  “how many died and how they died”. Every Jew should share the need and importance of such investigations which will more accurately confirm the numbers since recent actual documentation has been found via actual witnesses from the war, not just a few isolated victims of the camps who may not have knowledge or documentation of what exactly took place. Worse movies, TV and books are produced, demonizing one side while the other side can write history based on a false narrative instead of hard facts and documentation. This starts with Winston Churchill, who funded the war, why soldiers may in fact have been unethically killed in action.

you cant talk about those who rule you

Introductory Considerations
The usual estimates, generally based on Jewish figures or charges, range from about 4 million to 6 or even a possible 7 million. Every estimate is, however, little more than an informed guess. The extensive variations in estimates show that all include a wide margin of probable error. The more one studies the matter, the clearer it becomes that the larger the estimate, the greater the probable error. In most of these there is the tacit but gratuitous assumption that any decrease in the numbers of Jews in a given area after 1939, some allowance being made for the shiftings of territories from one jurisdiction to another, gives an approximation to the number of Jews deliberately eliminated. Such decreases, however, actually included large numbers who escaped by various routes and devices. Large numbers were lost behind the Iron Curtain; thousands died from the same conditions that caused the abnormal increase in the wartime mortality of the civilian populations of all Central Europe. There would seem to be no reasonable way to give the Jews special exemption from the general hardships of wartime, especially in occupied areas. Indeed, they were probably worse for the Jews. The correct estimate of those who perished because of Nazi persecution should only include: (1) those who were slaughtered by shootings, gas chambers and other violence, and (2) those who died of hardships during the numerous forced deportations, or in the concentration camps because of excessive labor, starvation or disease, which they would probably have escaped had they remained in the usual civilian status. More


Numerous Jews throughout the world are outright denying and/or questioning key aspects of the official Holocaust narrative, particularly the claims about “6 million” Jews being killed in “gas chambers” at the height of World War II. This article examines the Jews who are publicly criticizing the official Holocaust narrative and the arguments they make. Thus, it’s NEVER been an antisemitic issue

Of course, there are certainly many other Jews around the world who reject and/or question the official narrative of the Holocaust and would therefore be labeled “Holocaust deniers.”

In much of Europe, however, questioning any aspect of the Holocaust can get you locked up for years in jail. Therefore, there are likely many more Jews who have issues with the Holocaust narrative, but are afraid to speak out.

Example video below: The Big Lie exposes how the Americans dropped bombs and killed 3000 prison camp victims and then when Americans arrived at the destroyed, bombed camp claimed it was the “Nazi’s” who killed them. This is just one example of the manipulation of the facts and truth. Worse, many of the dead at Nordhausen Germany were NOT even Jews, but the Jews claimed them as their dead.

The lies, changed facts and refusal to acknowledge the facts, documents and evidence after the war were all manipulated to blame innocent Germans.

Let’s not forget the fact Google censors and hides such evidence, facts and witnesses

Top Jewish Scholar Admits Hitler Launched WWII To Stop ‘World Jewry’ From ‘Annihilating Germany’Rabbi Explains Why Jews Lie About the Holocaust
The Myth of German Villainy – WW2 – International History vs Germany
The Jewish Betrayal of Germany and the Cause of World War II
Why Are So Many Jews Denying the Holocaust?
The Entire HOLOHOAX Narrative, Is Nothing But A Lie
JEWS Are Responsible for Starting WW2 and JEWS Are Responsible for the Slaughter of Millions of Innocent Germans
Ten Proofs, 6 Million Jews Did Not Die in World War II
Proof WWII Was a Psy Op to Kill Goyim
How many Jews really died in World War II?
Did Six Million Really Die?
Jewish Scholar Refutes The Holocaust A Letter To Brother Nathanael Kapner
The Jewish Declaration of War on Germany
The Holocaust Hoax; IT NEVER HAPPENED
The Truth about the Nordhausen Bombing – When America bombed German (Holocaust) concentration camps
The Genocide of 15+ Million Germans by the Jews

Before you attack anyone, read their side and consider the facts

The Final End of the Myth

Six million murdered Jews in a “Holocaust” is a Talmudic topic, a Jewish religious metaphor for disaster, distributed for centuries, without any concrete base. The IMT at Nuremberg in 1945, re-enacted this number taken as ‘evidence’ two bad “hearsay witnesses”, whom supposed “spokesman” Eichmann called “phantasts”. There was and is no justification for this now by historians called ‘symbolic’ number. The religious character of it is confirmed by the current political and dogmatic Stalinist fixation and the rather inquisitorial persecution of critics in many Western countries. All this suffices to speak of this fixed quota as a religious myth. However, to deal for good with this Talmudic mantra, I give Ten concrete proofs of the fallacy of this obligatory imposed and far too high number. Not because a lower number is less gruesome or sad, but simply because historical truth deserves primacy above myths. The next ten concrete proofs, showing each in itself the impossibility of this Holocaust Number:

1. The actual number of Jews under the German regime never exceeded 4.5 million.
2. Jewish-stated numbers of Jews in the World before and after the War.
3. Demographic impossibility phenomenon: number of Jews before and after the War.
4. Jews emigrated and taking refuge to the Soviet Union.
5. An empirical-statistical approach.
6. Number of Jews who applied for survivor pensions.
7. Retro calculation survivors 1945, based on the number of living survivors in 2004.
8. Unproven “gas chambers” and “mass gassings”.
9. Lack of remains, mass graves and ash quantities make ‘Six Million’ implausible.
10. Ratio of Jews killed in camps/elsewhere.


Sixty million Gentiles died in World War 2. It was a veritable Gentile holocaust. Six million antisemites (Nazis) died. Zionists engineered the holocaust to force Jews to establish Israel. Zionists use it for political gain, which is why many people deny it even happened. They think the Nazis so loved the Jews, they provided them with free room and board. My mother hid while her neighbors were rounded up by the Nazis. She watched them being paraded past her window.

David Irving is not a “holocaust denier.” In a 2009 confession (above) , he acknowledged that around two million Jews were gassed at four camps.
So why is he being persecuted?

David Irving Interview 2009 – His Life and Revisionism


The Big Lie

Any time you hear the claims of “Holocaust deniers or Antisemitism” it’s to discredit the truth and keep the totally false narrative. The deeper you look at each event and how they tried to paint the Germans as evil, when the fact is we know who is evil. Who lied, who cheated and started the war. The day the war ended they started the defamation tactics, war propaganda movies and TV shows to label the Germans as evil.


As far as Hollywood goes, it’s almost all fiction

A Liar in “Schindler’s List” too:
First, there was no Schindler’s List. It’s a myth.

To begin with, there was no Schindler’s List.

November 24, 2004

Book Adds Layers of Complexity to the Schindler Legend
By Diitia Smith

AN authoritative new biography of Oskar Schindler, the German businessman who saved more than 1,000 Jews from the Nazis, clashes sharply with his idealized portrayal in the Oscar-winning 1993 Steven Spielberg movie “Schindler’s List” and the 1982 historical novel by Thomas Keneally that inspired it.

The Schindler who emerges in this latest account — based on interviews with Holocaust survivors and newly discovered papers, including letters stored in a suitcase by a mistress — is far more flawed than the one depicted in the movie and novel. Even so, scholars say, the fresh revelations about Schindler’s darker side cast his moral transformation and heroism into starker relief.

To begin with, there was no Schindler’s List.

“Schindler had almost nothing to do with the list,” said David M. Crowe, a Holocaust historian and professor at Elon University in North Carolina, whose book, “Oskar Schindler: The Untold Account of His Life, Wartime Activities and the True Story Behind the List,” was published this fall by Westview Press.

In the film, Schindler, played by Liam Neeson, is shown in 1944 giving the Jewish manager of his enamelware and arms factory in Krakow, Poland, the names of Jewish workers to be taken to the relative safety of what is now the Czech Republic. But at the time, Mr. Crowe said in a telephone interview, Schindler was in jail for bribing Amon Göth, the brutal SS commandant played by Ralph Fiennes in the film. And the manager, Itzhak Stern (Ben Kingsley), was not even working for Schindler then.
Mr. Crowe said that there were nine lists. The first four were drawn up primarily by Marcel Goldberg, a corrupt Jewish security police officer and assistant to an SS officer in charge of transporting Jews. (Goldberg was later accused of accepting bribes and of favoritism.) Schindler suggested a few names, Mr. Crowe said, but did not know most of the people on the lists. The authors of the other five lists are unknown.

Mr. Crowe said the legend of “the list” arose partly from Schindler himself, to embellish his heroism. He was trying to win reparations for his wartime losses, and Yad Vashem, the Jewish Holocaust memorial organization in Jerusalem, was considering naming him a “righteous gentile,” an honor given to someone who risked death to save Jews.

Those he saved further enhanced the legend because “they adored him,” Mr. Crowe said, “and they protected him.”

No one doubts that Schindler, an ethnic German born in what was then Austria-Hungary, was a moral hero, but the revelations add deeper texture to his story.

It has long been known that Schindler was a spy for German counterintelligence in the late 1930’s, but he played down those activities. Yet Mr. Crowe said that Czech secret police archives refer to Schindler as “a spy of big caliber and an especially dangerous type.” Mr. Crowe also said that Schindler compromised Czechoslovak security before the Nazi invasion and was imprisoned. Later, the Czechoslovak government tried to prosecute him for war crimes. Schindler was also the de facto head of a unit that planned the Nazi invasion of Poland.

Schindler, a big, charming man, was a drinker and womanizer, as depicted in the novel and film. But Mr. Crowe said that he also had two illegitimate children whom he ignored.

There were also rumors, briefly mentioned in the book and film, that after Schindler moved to Krakow in 1939 as a carpetbagger following the Nazi invasion, he stole Jewish property and ordered Jews beaten. Although the charges were unproven, Mr. Crowe discovered that Yad Vashem was so concerned that it delayed designating Schindler a righteous gentile. The film’s epilogue says Schindler was named in 1958, 16 years before his death in 1974. But Mr. Crowe found that he was officially named in 1993, after Yad Vashem learned that Schindler’s widow, Emilie, who also behaved heroically, was coming to Jerusalem to participate in the film. Both received the honor, he posthumously.

There are many books about Schindler, including accounts by survivors and Emilie’s memoirs, but Mr. Crowe’s is the first comprehensive biography to draw on newly available records. Mr. Crowe is a member of the education committee of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, and the author of a history of the Gypsies of Russia and Eastern Europe.

He dismissed some scenes in the film and book that are part of Schindler’s legend. For instance, in the film Schindler is shown riding with his mistress on Lasota Hill in Krakow and watching the clearing of the ghetto in March 1943, when he sees a little girl seeking shelter. The scene depicts Schindler’s moral awakening, but Mr. Crowe called it “totally fictitious.” He said that it would have been impossible to see that part of the ghetto from the hill, and that Schindler never saw the girl. Schindler’s transformation was more gradual, Mr. Crowe said, and even before the ghetto was cleared he was appalled by the mistreatment of the Jews.

“Steve is a very wonderful, tender man,” Mr. Crowe said of Mr. Spielberg, “but ‘Schindler’s List’ was theater and not in an historically accurate way. The film simplifies the story almost to the point of ridiculousness.” Mr. Crowe also said that he admired Mr. Keneally’s novel.

Mr. Keneally, who interviewed 50 survivors and used available archives for his novel, said it was understandable that Mr. Spielberg and the screenwriter Steven Zaillian would take dramatic license with some events. “I believe Steven [Spielberg, right] behaved with integrity,” he said. “And he does make Schindler ambiguous.”

Mr. Spielberg is filming a movie and could not be reached for comment, but a spokesman, Marvin Levy, said in an e-mail message that “Schindler was such an enigmatic figure in life, it is not totally surprising that other information or alleged information could continue to surface in death.” Michael Berenbaum, former president of the Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation, established by Mr. Spielberg to record survivors’ memories, made a distinction between the craft of the historian and the artist.

“It does neither an injustice to the novel, the film or to history to say that the story is more complex,” he said.

Mr. Crowe “is not even altering the story,” Elie Wiesel, the author and Holocaust survivor, said. “He’s complicated it. He’s made Schindler more human, and also more extraordinary.”

After Schindler moved his factory to Brünnlitz in the present-day Czech Republic, a period dealt with only briefly in the film, he stalled the manufacture of weapons, and none were ever made for the Nazis. He also bribed Nazi officers and distracted them with alcohol to save his workers. Mr. Keneally describes his heroism. In Krakow, Mr. Crowe said, “he could use the black market to supply his workers with food and health care.” But by the time he arrived in Brünnlitz the Russians were advancing, making conditions harsher. “He risks his life and takes all the money he made in Krakow and spends every bit trying to feed his Jews and keep them healthy,” Mr. Crowe said.

Emilie Schindler

In an episode known as the Golleschau transport, which is depicted in the book but not the film, two boxcars arrived in Brünnlitz filled with Jewish prisoners, some frozen to death. Schindler and his wife (right) were able to save many of the prisoners.

Amid the chaos, Schindler also tried to accommodate Jewish religious law, getting SS officers drunk so that Jews could be properly buried.

Mr. Crowe said that the only part of the film that angered him was the ending, in which Schindler flees as the Russians advance. The Jews are shown as defeated, but in fact, Mr. Crowe said, Schindler had created “an armed guerilla group of Jews.”

“They were armed to the teeth, ready to fight till the death,” he said. Hours after Schindler left, they hung a Jew who worked for the Nazis.
In the film, Schindler gives a speech and breaks into tears because he did not do more. But Mr. Crowe obtained a transcript in which Schindler, always a wily pragmatist, also reminded the Jews of how much he had done for them, possibly to protect himself from prosecution for war crimes.

After the war Schindler was a failure. He squandered money given to him by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and moved to Argentina, where he attempted to breed nutria. He then returned to Germany and bought a concrete factory, where workers attacked him for saving Jews during the war. That factory went bankrupt. Schindler continued drinking, and begged Jews he had saved to help him financially. He died from alcoholism and heavy smoking, Mr. Crowe said.

Mordecai Paldiel, director of the Righteous Among the Nations department at Yad Vashem, said the new revelations show that “even people with all these characteristics can do a great, saintly deed.” “It seems we all have a little angel sitting inside us and just waiting to be allowed to go to the surface, to expose himself,” he said. “A little, saving angel.”

Real History and Oskar Schindler
Second, Spielberg never explained that the cruel commandant of his movie had been arrested by the Nazis because of his brutality. Yes, the Nazis punished the guards and commandants who had abused of their power on camp inmates.

The Fact Spielberg Suppressed: Commandant Amon Goeth was Arrested by the SS for Brutality

Third the original sentence of the Talmud is “Whosoever preserves a single soul of Israel, Scripture ascribes to him as if he had preserved a complete world” (Tractate Sanhedrin 37a), not “He who saves a single life, saves the entire world.”. The second one is only a result of Church censorship in Middle Age.

Debate: Is Spielberg Guilty of Falsifying the Talmud in his movie, “Schindler’s List”?

Fourth the movie was deliberately shot in black-and-white to make it look like a documentary and the
balcony scene couldn’t happen in reality because of the location of the Commandant’s house.

The Plaszow concentration camp

The camp in the movie: rebuilt following eyewitness accounts. It is surrounded by a steep hill, thus it cannot be viewed from outside. The camp’s inmates were shot by commander Göth from the balcony of his house. His house is built on top of the hill, above the inmates’ huts.

The camp according to air photos from 1944: the camp, situated on top of a hill, could be viewed in from three surrounding villages through a wire mesh fence. Since Göth’s house was on the bottom of the hill, he could not look into the camp and thus was unable to shoot inmates from his balcony.

Illustration 19 shows a scene from Schindler’s List where Camp Commandant Göth, standing on the balcony of his house, takes random potshots at the inmates of the Plaszow Camp (Illustration 21). Air photos from that time, however, reveal that the Commandant’s house was located at the foot of a hill, while the camp itself was on top of that hill. The scene shown in the movie, which would have required a configuration of house and camp such as shown in illustration 20, was thus impossible, if only for geographical reasons. And this is certainly not Steven Spielberg’s sole forgery.

Schindler’s List, which is based on a novel going back to historical events,was deliberately filmed in black-and-white and with unsteady camera work in order to convey to the audience the false impression that the film is a documentary; contributors to the movie have freely admitted this.

This clearly shows the intentions of the film-makers and of those who take school classes and even entire schools to see this movie, and not only in Germany and Austria.

What is particularly perfidious about this film is that whenever German soldiers or SS-men give orders, yell and scream and engage in any kind of violence, this is not shown in English or in whichever other language the film is dubbed, but in German.

In this way the entire world is made to feel that German is the language of cruel subhumans. And the German viewing public is the only one not to notice this, because in Germany, Schindler’s List is dubbed entirely in German.

In this way, underhanded psychological tricks incite the peoples of the world against the Germans, their language and their culture, and the Germans themselves never even notice what is going on.

Besides all this, Spielberg is hiding the fact that the commander from Plaszow concentration camp was prosecuted by the SS:

“Individual criminal acts – in these cases having broad implications – included: the assumption of a license to kill by commandants and subordinates concealed through falsification of medical death certificates.

Arbitrary conduct, chicanery, unlawful corporal punishments, acts of brutality and sadism, liquidation of no-longer-convenient accomplices, theft and black-market profiteering.

All of these offenses were committed both alone by prisoners as well as by personnel of the SS, most however in conspiracy between SS personnel with Kapos (Jewish concentration camp guards).

The intervention of SS jurisdiction in the concentration camps commenced with the initiation of my investigations in July 1943 and lasted until the conclusion of the war. It could not have started sooner, because there were no suspicions in this regard.

Arrested were the commandants of Buchenwald, Lublin, Warschau, Herzogenbosch, Krakau-Plaszow.”

Spielberg certainly wished to conceal these investigations and punishment of perpetrators from his gullible movie audience since he was and is not interested in an historically accurate film, but rather in molding public opinion to accept the establishment Holocaust ideology.

Audiences may be gullible and dumb, but Spielberg is a deceiver and denier of historical reality.

Do Photographs Prove the NS Extermination of the Jews?

Fifth no flames go out of the chimneys of crematory ovens. Spielberg based this picture on the testimonies of many survivors, but by doing so he exposed them as liars.

Sixth Spielberg’s movie is based on a novel called “Schindler’s Ark” not on the real life of Oskar Schindler. It’s not a documentary. It’s a fiction based on another fiction.

Schindler’s Ark (released in America as Schindlers List) is a Booker Prize-winning novel published in 1982 by Australian novelist Thomas Keneally, which was later adapted into the highly successful movie Schindler’s List directed by Steven Spielberg.

The book tells the story of Oskar Schindler, a Nazi Party member, who turns into the unlikely hero. Keneally wrote a number of well received novels before Schindler’s Ark.[1] It won the Booker Prize for fiction in 1982.

The awarding of the Booker Prize caused some controversy at the time: as this award is for the best fiction, it was debatable whether Keneally wrote fiction or was reporting history.

Schindler’s Ark – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

“A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but the world not being flat.
When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”

Oddly It’s alledged that Spielberg was involved in the weaponizing the courts against historian David Irving who had evidence, witness info and statements that prove many events in the Holocaust and the numbers of actual dead were highly manipulated. This Spielberg got involved to do damage control against those proving a false narrative about WW2 and the Jews was created. More

This channel video above is called TheUncovering, of all the topics that the Truther movement investigates, this is one that is clearly poorly constructed propaganda, yet to question it, one can be killed, beaten, imprisoned, financially destroyed, threatened and have access to documents and materials banned.

The Truth Fears no Examination so is it the sensitive feelings of people that are hurt, hence the banning, shutting down of discourse, or something more..?
The Judeo-Bolshevik led Holodomor with around 10 million dead is rarely heard of. Why? Over 100 million killed by Maoists in China and other Bolshevik atrocities in Soviet union, over 1.5 million German soldiers dying in allied prisoner of war camps..we hear none of it because a certain power clique owns and controls media and entertainment and politicians.

Revisionist historians on this topic have had victory after victory, with figures of dead reduced by millions, camp after camp ruled out as mass execution centers (all camps in Germany) yet the official figure remains of 6 Million Jews killed in homicidal gas chambers.

Before you comment, fully watch and read all material in this video and linked below. Resorting to adhominem attacks without questioning or proffering a salient point of discourse is just appealing to emotions and not facts and reason. This topic is the most deeply propagandized in western culture, it should fear no examination.

“The holocaust is a successful historical fiction”
Chief Rabbi Arye Friedman

“The holocaust may turn out to be the greatest robbery of the 20th century”
Jewish Professor Norman Finkelstein

“The 6 Million gas chamber myth is a arithmetic and technical nonsense”
Jewish Professor Roger Dommergue

“We have not been able to discover any trace of installations for exterminating civilian prisoners”
Red Cross November 22nd 1944

“These mass executions in gas chambers remind me of the story of employment of human corpses during the last war for the manufacture of fat, which was a grotesque lie”
Chairman of British Joint Intelligence Committee Victor Cavendish Bentinck

#No scientific, technical proof that Jews were gassed in concentration camps.
#No evidence of camp gassing deaths through bodies or autopsy ( Autopsy and body evidence showed mainly Typhus death, remainder other illnesses and starvation)
#No mass graves of gassed Jews
#No cremated or bone material of gassed person ( from carbon monoxide or hydrogen cyanide)
#No presentation, demonstration of a room’s existence as a homicidal gas chamber at the Nuremberg trials or any court.
# No authentic eyewitness accounts of mass homicidal gassing. Accounts were either hearsay or inaccurate, contradictory and under cross examination would be excluded from normal courts of law.
# Admissions of genocide from Nazis were extracted under extreme physical torture and threats of death to family members. Some were given new lives in Soviet territory or America in exchange for testimony. Most admissions were ludicrous for eg killing millions of Jews at Auschwitz.

The footage of Soviet Partisan communists being shot and dumped in pits was carried out before and after operation Barbarossa by SS Einsatzgruppen and mostly locals of several Slavic (eg Belarus,Ukraine) countries who were on the side of the Germans, taking revenge against Bolshevik ( many Jewish) oppressors.

There is no denial that these executions took place and at best count it was approximately 100,000. The execution of partisan forces happened on both sides and was not in breach of Geneva convention.


The Majdanek Camp

The Treblinka camp

The Auschwitz Stammlager

The Reinhard Camps Sobibor, Treblinka and Belzec

Reading materials:
Victor Thorn: The Holocaust Hoax exposed.Debunking the 20th Century’s biggest lie.
Gerald Menuhin: Tell the truth and Shame the Devil
Arthur R Butz: The hoax of the 20th CenturyProfessor Thomas Dalton: Debating the holocaust, a new look at both sides
Richard E Harwood: Did 6 Million really die?
Germar Rudolf: Dissecting the Holocaust The growing Critique of Truth and Memory
David Irving: Hitler’s War
Mike King: The British Mad Dog, Debunking the myth of Winston Churchill
The Leuchter Reports: Critical Edition 4th expanded.

Thousands have come forward exposing the truth, evidence, statments and documentation that disproves the Holocaust False Narrative. Again no one is claiming Jews were NOT treated fairly or killed but the narrative is far from the truth. They are censored, attacked, doxed, defamed, canceled and lies about.

Watch The Last Days of the Big Lie, fantastic documentary. Have a laugh watching all the known liars and frauds who created the most outrageous Holocaust atrocity propaganda and have been exposed as total fabrications. No normal person could ever fathom creating lies and such evil manipulations on the world… no normal person, but Jews did, and still are! Especially Steven Spielberg!

Free Use Act, only for Education and Learning. Free to share and view

David Irving. Never ending fight for truth

The real confrontation of David Irving with Deborah Lipstadt Vs the Hollywood movie BS

He offered $1000 for seeing the blueprints of the “Homicidal” Gas chambers that Lipstadt claimed existed, she never responded. Irving destroyed Lipstadt whose only goal was to discredit him knowing what he
was sharing with the world was the total truth about WW2 and the Holocaust (A Jewish False Narrative)

The lesson here is that the evil and criminals of this world use the tactive “Lie and repeat the lies” to discredit, defame or villianize a person. This was done to Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler as example. As well in the Middle East Israel has done this to the Palestinians for decades to steal their land.

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