Is Mainstream Media all Propaganda Lies and the Deep State

6 corporations control 90% of the media outlets. The illusion of choice and objectivity

What this means is good, honest people can be canceled by misinformation (Lies) spread by the dishonest, evil people who want wars, huge profits from vaccines like COVID and other pharmaceuticals.

Illegal, immoral and unethical wars which some are genocidal war crimes against the poor by nations who raise their children to be racist and hate the very people their parents are robbing of their land by killing them to move them off their land as well taking over 10,000 of them hostage when they object to giving up their lands. As well the criminal state which bribes US congress to vote for any military actions or aide they wish even if for genocide and war crimes. The weaponize the media to spread lies to create hate against the victims and portray them as terrorists when in fact they are the biggest, worst terrorist in the world.

Presidents which helped Americans and provided a great economy are attacked via hate speech and lies which are repeated to the point the public is brainwashed to believe they are evil. When the fact is failed public servants such as Kamala Harris and Joe Biden move up the ladder and become rich off of lies for taking credit for things they don’t do and escaping accountability for corruption, bribery and treason.

The simple formula is create a false narrative and agenda fooling the American people into taking sides with criminals and con-artists who promote genocide, war crimes and profit for the Military Industrial Complex.

We have a party of disinformation

6 corporations control 90 percent of the media outlets

In today’s world, where information is paramount, a concerning truth comes to light: just six corporations have a grip on almost 90% of media outlets throughout the United States. This consolidation of media power marks a significant change in how information is shared, molding public conversations and impacting societal views. With these conglomerates holding such sway over what we consume in terms of news and entertainment, it raises important questions about impartiality, the range of perspectives presented, and the health of our democratic principles.

These media conglomerates are owned by the elite or the ruling class, which extends its reach to encompass not only traditional power structures but also modern behemoths like big tech companies, exerting control over the content we consume—what we read, watch, and listen to. There’s even a new browser extension highlighting the invasive surveillance practices of these tech giants, revealing how they monitor our online activities.

The term “elite” often slips into our conversations without much thought, yet its roots and significance remain unfamiliar to many. Derived from the French élite, which traces back to the Latin eligere, meaning “to select or to sort out,” elites represent a select group of influential individuals who wield a disproportionate share of wealth, privilege, political power, or expertise within society.

Their influence looms large, particularly in shaping our media diets and consumption habits. Consider this: 37 years ago, a mere 50 companies held sway over American media. Fast forward to 2011, and that number dwindled to just six powerful corporations. As Jim Morrison, the iconic rock frontman, once aptly remarked, “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.”

His words ring true today. Despite the illusion of boundless entertainment and media options, meticulously crafted by media elites, the reality is starkly different. In the pre-internet era of the early ’90s, the media landscape appeared straightforward. Yet, today, a mere six media giants dictate a staggering 90% of our media consumption.

The notion of journalistic objectivity, often touted by these elite-run outlets, serves as a façade for balanced reporting. But in truth, unbiased news is a myth. Journalists within these conglomerates answer to their corporate overlords, advancing their agendas. It’s unrealistic to expect outlets like The Washington Post to impartially cover stories involving their owner, such as reports on Jeff Bezos’s personal life.

The crux of the matter is clear: these media conglomerates prioritize the interests of their owners over those of the public they ostensibly serve.

In today’s landscape dominated by corporate giants, independent media struggle to compete. Despite the illusion of limitless choices, our options are fundamentally constrained. We’re fed a curated narrative, dictated by media oligarchs who dictate what we consume.

The same holds true for the tech titans presiding over social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. These behemoths not only stifle dissent but also censor content that diverges from the elite agenda.

  1. National Amusements
  2. Disney
  3. Time Warner
  4. Comcast
  5. News Corp
  6. Sony


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