In fact, has been censored for years because abusers (judges and lawyers) who complain to Google can’t have their info removed because we are in Iceland, which is not governed by US controlled laws. Thus, their option is to censor fact, evidence, victims and truth. This is how we discovered and proved our claims. Try Googling “Court Victim” and you get many sites that don’t even use the term, many are government agencies that don’t actually help court victims. However, if you use the less censored search engines, which there are many. Click here on to see the search via Google then click on court victim to see the uncensored Yandex search results
Are you set on attacking anyone who wants to know more about how America was founded, Holocaust’s, World War 2, how it started, who started it?
This is how the deep state, those who control our courts, the BAR, US Congress and the government agencies that are supposed to protect the taxpayer, but instead they protect the criminals who steal, lie and cheat the public
The world has the right to question anything, anyone and everything. It’s when you question something or someone, and they attack YOU instead of pointing to facts, documents or the truth, you have to begin doubting or questioning more.
They did this to Joe Rogan, Russell Brand, Donald Trump, J.F.K and even R.F.K. and thousands of University students who took a stand to an obvious Genocide, Apartheid and stealing of Palestinian land.
Recently the Holocaust was brought up and instead of supporters providing facts, evidence, documentation that support what is taught in history they use the cancel or defame tactic. This points to dishonesty, what the guilty do and avoiding accountability.
Let’s take the Holocaust genocide that took place against the American Native people who were in America before the white man arrived. You can make excuse all you want about how the white man bought American land, however you can’t hide the fact millions of Native People were exterminated with disease, mass killing with guns and forcing them into concentration camps (reservations) on usually the worst plots of land. This sounds interestingly similar to Gaza and Palestine where the native people have been cheated, lied about, murdered for their land by New York and Polish Jews who arrive claiming the land was their thousands of years ago.
So while we’re on the subject of Holocausts (Genocides) let’s do use a search engine which is NOT highly censored such as the worst ““. Which we searched the phrase on
The Yandex search found 294 pages regarding this, as well many images. Oddly, the Jewish owned and operated “GOOGLE” search engine.
Now we have to ask ourselves “WHY?” and who benefits from the truth, and who benefits from a false narrative?
What you will find is the name-calling starts “Holocaust denier, antisemite, racists, hater” Are we living in America where we have rights and freedoms? I also find it interesting WHO is writing law to make it illegal to question the Holocaust, note not all Holocausts. Also, there are already laws written into most of the US states to make it illegal to boycott Israel. Normally, “the truth” sets you free and is the only thing needed. However, what we are seeing is highly censored mainstream and social media. Blackmail, extortion and doxing anyone who uses their rights.
Does this cartoon explain the current situation of selling the world a “False Narrative”?
If you have proof (Other than our history books, because much of history is in fact lies and written by the victors not the honest) Please let us know. If all you can do is attack anyone who is looking for the truth, evidence, facts or actual witness statements from all parties, the Germans, the civilians who were present, then move on.
If you’re offended by this? YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Because as we speak our rights are being taken away by a foreign entity which has been bribing US Congress, controlling our government agencies and courts since they murdered John F. Kennedy. 9/11 was an attack that was used to get America to spend billions to fight a war against innocent people. Sadly, such events are always lied about and reports are heavily redacted to protect who? America should be about Americans, NOT a foreign Entity that represents less than 3% of Americas. Yet 90% of our funds goes to only a very small group. Now ask yourself why is that? Who is controlling our government and profiting from it?